Western Liberal Guilt

I have written a book from which I am not attempting to profit in any way which traces the history of Western Culture from Ancient Greece to the Enlightenment through the 19th Century Romantic Revolution to the Woodstock generation which it ultimately spawned. Its basic theme is that the notion of White Privilege is absurdly simplistic, a product of the Neo-Marxist elimination of Human Intelligence, Imagination and Achievement from the historical narrative. Of course I am not suggesting that there are no White Racists. But the idea endorsed by Black Racists such as Ibram X. Kendi that all Cultures are equally worthy of respect, equally conducive to human fulfillment, is demonstrably stupid, indeed is only defensible if you accept the “progressive” notion that we are all mere animals whose moral/intellectual aspirations are utterly spurious.

The title of the book is “Progressivism: Mindless by Design.” My E Mail Address is: borsellino.pj@gmail.com. If you are interested in what is basically a repudiation of the now trendy notion that Western Man is the most pernicious, racist, misogynistic monster in all of History, a book which indeed is a celebration of the many accomplishments of Western European Civilization, please get in touch and I shall send it along as an attachment. It is slightly over 200 pages in length.