I just watched True North’s Jan 15 podcast in which Candace Malcolm discussed the possibility that Mark Carney might be the next Prime Minister of Canada. In the course of her discussion she made reference to a 2015 interview which Justin Trudeau granted to the N.Y. Times. The Times, of course, is of a decidedly Leftist mindset and was therefore more than eager to publish his wonderful “progressive” views.
Canada, Trudeau proudly declared, is the first Post National State. The benefits granted by the Rational Construct of the Nation State no longer matter to those obsessed with Inclusiveness. Hence the disdain for borders displayed by both Biden and Trudeau over the last few years. But aside from pragmatic problems such as inadequate housing, inadequate health care, insufficient jobs, etc., which must inevitably debilitate nations which open their borders to all and sundry, there is the issue of the possibly malignant cultural values utterly at odds with their own which they may have welcomed into their midst. Apparently unconcerned with this possibility, Trudeau says in his Times interview that Canada fully embraces “pan-culturalism.” Beliefs and Values, he is basically saying, don’t matter! We love everyone equally!
The absurdity of this world-view is manifest 365 days a year here in the Democracies of North America where those of a conservative perspective are constantly reviled as racists, misogynists, etc.. True conservatives don’t hate anyone. But they do treasure Reason! Yet apparently their values, born of their “privileged” lives here in our White, Western, Capitalist Democracies, warrant intense and often irrational critical scrutiny, while people from the rest of the world are exempt from criticism of any sort simply because they are members of “the other.” Such is the inane premise at the heart of inclusiveness.
Hence our absurd world in which the “progressive” establishment is perfectly comfortable in welcoming to Western Europe and North America millions of Muslims whose religion is rooted in both the oppression of Women and all those of non-Islamic beliefs. Am I suggesting that all Muslims be denied entry to our Democracies? Of course not! But certainly those who still actively promote the Medieval Intolerance of this religion ought to be turned away at our borders or at the very least seriously castigated by the “inclusive” mob. But of course they are not. That would be “Islamophobic.” The ridiculous double standard of the Inclusive Left was recently a topic of much debate here in my hometown of Hamilton.
Hisb ut Tahrir is a Muslim group based in Beirut which is fully committed to the ideal of a Caliphate in which fidelity to Islam is utterly mandatory. Its adherents, in other words, in no way believe in Democracy. In 2024 the British government declared it to be a terrorist organization. Yet it has been tolerated here in Canada apparently out of deference to Inclusiveness. It’s recent decision to hold a conference in my home town, however, outraged our “progressive” mayor. While I fully support her reaction, I cannot help but ask why the group was ever allowed to gain a foothold in this country. In an interview with Piers Morgan a little over a week ago, Jordan Peterson wondered how a regime rightfully dedicated to the Rights of Women could at the same time remain relatively tolerant of a religion devoted to the oppression of Women. How ironic, he opined, that pro-Hamas demonstrations have been banished in the United Arab Emirates, while they are still tolerated here in Canada. Yes, the war in the Middle East is complex and the deaths of innocent Palestinians is tragic. But at the same time there is no doubt that the Israelis occupy the moral high ground. They are the victims rather than the perpetrators of this conflict. Such considerations, however, are beyond the intellectual purview of the Inclusive Left. And so anti-Semitic demonstrations are a weekly occurrence throughout our Canadian dystopia because those in charge have no concept whatsoever of the difference between Good and Evil!
When The Rebel attempted to report on a pro-Hamas demonstration in Toronto a few weeks ago, its people were escorted away by the police. Their presence, it was felt, might lead to conflict with the protesters. The latter, however, were allowed to carry on with their chants, calling for death to all Jews and the annihilation of Israel. Such is the absurdity of life here in the Inclusive West!