Stalin or Trump?

As posted on her site entitled Liberty Hangout, a perfectly polite young lady, Kaitlin Bennett, recently confronted passing pedestrians in Sarasota, Florida with a poster featuring Donald Trump, Stalin, Mao, Bin Laden and Che, asking them who they thought was the greatest villain pictured. Several chose Trump. One asserted that he was worse than all of them put together. A middle-aged man convinced that Trump was responsible for the 300,000 coronavirus deaths in the States became quite irate when asked if he was aware of Stalin’s statistics. That the latter is deemed to have been responsible for nine million deaths in the last Century was not going to change the mind of this belligerent, Trump hating simpleton.

I have watched several videos featuring rampaging members of various “social justice” groups chanting Left wing slogans who, when asked to explain their socialist/collectivist leanings, clearly had no understanding of either socialism or collectivism.

Yes, there are ranting “haters” on the Far Right, but the Mainstream Left would appear to be teeming with such. Indeed barely a day goes by when the Entertainment Industry does not spew forth another example of a celebrity whose paroxysms of outrage and idiotic statements make the Donald seem like an even tempered sophisticate. And that ain’t easy!