
On Feb. 5 Laura Ingraham of Fox News discussed a Time Magazine article of Feb.4 dealing with what it termed “The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign that Saved the 2020 Election.” That campaign, the article’s writer Molly Ball says, was led by “a well-funded cabal of powerful people …… working together behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow of information. They were not rigging the election; they were fortifying it…….they believe the public needs to understand the system’s fragility in order to ensure that Democracy in America endures.”

A key event in this concerted effort to “save” Democracy was a meeting at Mark Zuckerberg’s house in Nov. of 2019 in which the head of Facebook consorted with several civil rights leaders on a plan to ensure the defeat of Trump. A part of Big Tech’s strategy was of course to make access to the breaking Hunter Biden scandal as scarce as possible. In a post-election poll, 4.6% of those who voted for Biden say they would not have done so had they known then what they know now about the family’s financial dealings in both China and the Ukraine. A 4.6% shift would have reversed the result of the 2020 Election! Ingraham aptly invoked Orwell’s Ministry of Truth in denouncing Big Tech’s manipulation of the facts in the pursuit of its sacred quest.

B.L.M., according to the Time article, was another member of this “cabal,” its members not only active in seeking to have the criteria for voter identification ridiculously slackened but to have polling stations in a number of States staffed with those given to their cause. Gee, is it possible that what truly is a “cult” with all the religious fanaticism implicit in that term, a cult which throughout the summer of 2020 looted, pillaged and killed in the name of “social justice,” is it possible that members of such a sect might actually engage in some of the polling station crimes which hundreds of Republican poll watchers said they witnessed? Or, as the “unbiased” minions of St. Zuckerberg would suggest, is this all just a right-wing conspiracy theory?

The absurdity of the Time article is beyond comprehension. But then again this is the magazine that made dysfunctional teenager Greta Thunberg its Person of the Year in 2019! Molly Ball says the “Shadow Campaign” was not trying to “rig” the election but to “save” American Democracy. Does she not understand that the fundamental basis of a Democracy is submission to the Will of the Majority granted free and open access to the Truth? Does she not understand that those who violate that Principle on the grounds that they know they are Right [ironically, those on the Left] are themselves the enemies of Freedom. Does she not realize that those of Zuckerberg’s mentality, those who would manipulate the Truth so as to gain their ends, far from being the champions of a Democratic Society, are the very Fascists they purport to despise?

The subjects of Molly Ball’s tribute brazenly violated their Democracy to suit their personal biases, and both she and they are apparently proud that they did so!

[P.S.: You Tube has just removed an interview Trump granted to Newsmax on Feb. 17. in which he referred once again to the possibility that the election had been stolen. It cited its “presidential election integrity policy” as the reason for this “cancellation.” Only a self-deluded fool would think integrity had anything to do with You Tube’s decision!]