No one is arguing the need for compassion for one’s fellow man. But we are Thinking as well as Feeling Beings and the “inclusiveness” which is the defining value of the contemporary Left is an insult to our Nature as such.
While our species is rife with physical, intellectual and ultimately moral diversity, the champions of “inclusiveness” insist we dismiss the results of such as mere illusions of no substantial significance. It is not that people are different and that those differences yield radically disparate results in the real world, it is that Life is unfair and the horrible conditions to which some are born are merely a matter of chance. It is a vacuous intellectual perspective which simply refuses to accept the empirical facts of Science and ultimately Life itself.
It is hardly surprising, therefore, that Bill Maher, on a recent episode of his show “Real Time,” admitted that while those on the Left constantly herald themselves as “the people of science,” “a lot of what they do has nothing to do with science.” I was reminded of the assertion by Joy Pullman in her Oct. appearance on “Stu Does America,” that the Left has declared war on both “nature” and “reality” and that “wokeness” is actually a form of mental illness!
How else would you explain the conviction of transgender swimmer Lia Thomas that he/she has every right to destroy his/her female competition because, in spite of exhibiting a host of masculine biological characteristics, he has decided he is a female. Is he a champion of “social equity” or a self-centered fool?