Trump has to go. He is ripping America apart. It is because of him that armies of the disaffected are terrorizing its streets, looting and pillaging, burning police cars and shooting cops.
It is an opinion born of ignorance. What is going on in the States today has been gaining momentum for well over half a century. Have you heard of the Weather Underground, a violent Neo-Marxist group devoted to destroying “imperialist” America, a group responsible for a number of terrorist acts in the late 60s and early 70s? As its members acted in consort with the Black Panthers who were also interested in bringing down the White hegemony, it is hardly surprising that the women responsible for the 2015 formation of BLM expressed their esteem for Bill Ayers and Eric Mann, two of the founders of the Weathermen.
I have already noted the corruption of the Humanities and Social Science programs in our Universities by the simplistic Neo-Marxist notion that Western Civilization is the vilest force in all of history. I see that this hypothesis has now come to be known as “Critical Race Theory.” What is astounding and perhaps most alarming about our cultural evolution over the last fifty years is that Bill Ayers not only managed to avoid prison in spite of his involvement in several terrorist acts, he went on to have a lengthy career as a “Distinguished Professor of Education” at the University of Illinois. The following quote would seem to summarize his youthful views: Kill all the rich people. Break up their cars and apartments. Bring the revolution home, kill your parents, that’s where its really at.
[Can’t help but mention the disgusting hypocrisy of Amazon which, while being oh so sensitive to what it defines as Hate Speech, is selling engraved plaques online of Ayers’ cool, revolutionary incitement to Kill all the Rich!!!]
What do you suppose Ayers was telling his students in his twenty years of teaching? Where do you suppose those kids making up the ranks of Antifa and BLM got the idea that America and the West in general is systemically evil? Is the pervasiveness of this idea among several generations of university graduates a minor problem or an ideological pandemic that will ultimately destroy the West? How dumb are those politicians, media personalities and “progressive” voters who don’t really seem to understand what Antifa and BLM are up to, indeed who exonerate their actions in the name of “social justice”? Have you really focused on the Left’s definition of social justice? Do you believe it is an abomination that some people are successful and others not, or simply an inevitable fact of life? Do you think that governments ought to abrogate our personal freedoms so as to make the world turn out the way Marx, Antifa, BLM [and Ocasio-Cortez, Kamala Harris, etc., etc.] decided it ought to? Or are our personal freedoms, subject to the Rule of Law, absolutely worth defending?
Yes, Trump can be obnoxious. But the Values and Ideas which he represents are almost without exception the Values and Ideas of Rational, Post-Enlightenment, Western Civilization, while those of his opponents lead inevitably, predictably, to what we are seeing in America’s streets today, an angry, self-indulgent, morally and intellectually juvenile sense of “victimization.” It is the emotion at the heart of Marxism, the hatred which it engenders unequivocally informing the often irrational outrage that has come to pervade the contemporary Left.
But, the moderate “liberal” might say: My vote is in no way an endorsement of lawlessness. I don’t support Antifa! I don’t support the destruction of other people’s property! Well, except maybe where the Environment is involved. Everyone knows pipelines are bad. Or where there’s evidence of racial injustice. To make that point you may have to destroy a Walmart or burn a few police cars. And of course the ultra rich are all a bunch of a-holes, so maybe taxing them at a 90% rate is a good idea.
To moderate “liberals” both North and South of the 49th, your vote, whether you are willing to admit it or not, is a vote for irrationality and lawlessness. Obscenity spewing mobs habitually show up to block highways and railway tracks or disrupt the speaking engagements of the politically incorrect while “progressive” governments do nothing to stop them and the mainstream media fails to so much as comment. Antifa, which is ironically Fascistic in every way, might just as well be the voice of the mainstream Left which has no problem “cancelling” the platforms of all who dare disagree with them. Freedom of Speech and Conscience are things of the past, as is the principle of Journalistic Objectivity, most mainstream commentators apparently having attended classes conducted by Bill Ayers.
Having just watched the debate between vice-presidential candidates Kamala Harris and Mike Pence, having seen her smile vacuously in response to a number of incriminating policy questions to which she clearly had no answer, I was amazed to discover that several media outlets declared her the unequivocal winner of the event. In his debate with Trump, Joe Biden suggested Antifa was “just” an idea. While the president was repeatedly pressed to disavow White Supremacism, something he has done many times in the past, Biden was let off the hook for an assertion which is so unconscionably stupid as to be beyond belief. Yes, Mr. Biden, Antifa is an Idea, one which is, by the way, incompatible with the fundamental principles of Democracy. But it is also a very real presence in the streets of America, destroying the property and well-being of thousands while in some cases actually ending their lives. That dozens of high profile Democrats along with most in the mainstream media refuse to unequivocally denounce Antifa is paradoxically both ludicrous and potentially tragic.
To those of you who hate Trump, do you have any idea of the extent to which you have been manipulated by a media that is pathologically biased, that consciously focuses on his shortcomings while ignoring those of his opposition, that frequently quotes him out of context while at the same time minimizing his accomplishments? Can you name any of those accomplishments or is he indeed that complete idiot which the Left has relentlessly portrayed him to be?
Kudos to the New York Times. On Sept. 11 it posted an Opinion piece by one Farah Stockman entitled “A Fact-Checked List of Trump’s Accomplishments.” The Times is certainly among those publications I would accuse of being biased, yet Stockman’s report would seem to be eminently fair. While pointing out that a number of the bills Trump signed into Law were initiatives begun under the previous administration, it celebrates many others that were not, indeed a number of accomplishments most likely unknown to the general public. In early 2020, before Covid 19 struck, unemployment among America’s Blacks was at an all-time low. In spite of the relentlessly flogged narrative that Republicans only care about the rich, many of the 123 policy items cited by Stockman were clearly designed to help both the poor and infirm. I have no intention of going through her list in detail, a list available only online, but to those of you who have succumbed to Trump Derangement Syndrome, those of you who can’t imagine any reason to vote for this eminently flawed individual, I would recommend Stockman’s lengthy online entry.
Night after night I watch fools like Trevor Noah engage in witless, juvenile, grimacing parodies of Trump, the “compassionate” Left apparently unaware that most of the irrationality, resentment and hatred poisoning contemporary political dialogue is of its very own making.
To the many who have publicly declared they would love to see Trump die of the Corona Virus, his present affliction, I would suggest a prolonged session in front of the nearest mirror.