Nothing better illustrates the intellectual dysfunction induced by the Left’s simplistic narrative of oppression, than an interview conducted by Glenn Beck with documentary filmmaker Ami Horowitz in July of 2022. Intrigued by the fact that the vast majority of the LBGTQ community side with the Palestinians in their conflict with Israel, Horowitz decided to make a film exposing the absurdity of that valuation.
He began by interviewing Gays in the streets of San Fransisco who more or less unanimously condemned the Israelis as oppressive monsters unwilling to grant the Palestinians their rights. Proceeding to the Middle East, he then interviewed the Palestinian victims of that “oppression” who without exception declared homosexuality to be a disease which needed to be eradicated and endorsed the execution of Gays as perfectly justifiable.
Shown evidence of the Palestinian attitude towards homosexuality, the American Gays subsequently interviewed by Horowitz were outraged and unanimously transferred their allegiance to the obviously more evolved Israelis. What had led them astray, obviously, was their sense of fealty with a group deemed to be as victimized as they. But as I have pointed out repeatedly and most recently in my discussion of Paulo Freire, evaluating all human outcomes as the result of conflicts between Oppressors and the Oppressed is grossly simplistic if not utterly stupid. While History would hardly seem to qualify the Jews as “oppressors,” let us assume for the moment that the Palestinians have been treated unfairly. Does this in any way alter the fact that many of their beliefs are rooted in an intolerant, medieval level of religious fanaticism? Does their political situation in any way exonerate them of the inhumanity of their world view? Indeed was the superficial attitude of America’s Gays towards the complexities of Middle Eastern politics, not a perfectly apt reflection of the Superficiality of the Leftist World-View?