On April 22, 2017, the National Post published a piece by one Calum Marsh entitled “A Flat-Out Lie.” The heading is a reference to that small percentage of Christians who, in spite of the evidence of science, continue to subscribe to brazen untruths [i.e., that the Earth is flat]. But the article as a whole smugly implies all those on the Right to be equally misguided while sparing the beliefs of those on the Left critical analysis of any sort. And so we are told that “sometimes what we want are falsehoods. We want the comfort of having our dearly held opinions confirmed; of thinking that,say, Muslim immigrants pose a threat to the security of our nation.” The belief of some, perhaps most in the West, that unmonitored Islamic immigration into North America and Europe represents a threat not only to their truly liberal values but to their very existence is, Marsh condescendingly implies, comparable to believing that the Earth is flat. A subtle “close to reality analysis” indeed! Are the loved ones of those slaughtered in the attacks of 911 or the countless terrorist abominations committed almost weekly throughout Europe and elsewhere equally delusional in their concerns? Or is it in fact “progressives” who are profoundly divorced from Reality and incapable of vetting their “dearly held opinions?” The stupidity, the arrogance, the callousness of “limousine liberals” who love to pontificate from afar while never, ever, ever offering any practical solutions to the very real issues at hand is disgusting beyond words. European cities are riddled with no-go zones populated with Islamic immigrants who apparently loathe the countries which opened their doors to them. In Sweden marauding gangs of Muslim males given to molesting young White women have made that country the rape capital of Europe. In Jan., 2015, Swedish journalist Petter Ljunggren wandered the streets of Malmo dressed as a Jew and was angrily derided as “Jewish shit” and a “Jewish devil” by those clearly not of Swedish extraction. Imagine living in any number of European cities where simply allowing one’s children to venture out to a mall is accompanied by the remote but very real possibility that they might never return! For the simpletons of the Left such concerns are unequivocally irrational. As of late 2019 approximately 500 convicted Muslim terrorists have been released from British prisons back into mainstream society yet the Brexit vote was unequivocally irrational. Here in Canada The Rebel’s “far right focus” on the incompatibility of Islam with the values of the West is unequivocally irrational. The consensus media is rife with editorials implying any reservations with the tenets of Islam and the violence which they seemingly encourage to be abjectly xenophobic. But in not one of them is any effort made to confront the truly disturbing aspects of that religion’s basic texts and history; gross generalizations and a pathological aversion to the truth smugly paraded as critical analysis, and this by those given to excoriating anyone who disagrees with them as “flat earthers.”
Late in 2017 a homemade bomb exploded in a London subway car injuring 29. None were killed because the device failed to fully detonate. It was the fourth terrorist attack in the British capital that year. The Islamic state took “credit” for the incident. One wonders if Calum Marsh’s presence in that car, or that of his wife or children, might not mitigate his contempt for the notion that Muslim immigration in any way poses a threat to our safety. It is geography and the tireless efforts of CSIS rather than the cliched tropes of Marsh [and of course our current Prime Minister] that have thus far kept Canadians more or less safe from such atrocities. That “progressives” are unable to admit as much truly leads one to question their sanity!