Ron Desantis’ House Bill 1557 would ban any discussion of gender politics from kindergarten to grade 3 in Florida’s schools. Called The Parents’ Rights and Education Bill, it assumes discussions of gender identity to be totally inappropriate when dealing with kids 5 to 8, while at the same time including stipulations that schools inform parents should such issues arise as their kids get older. I have already discussed the case of California woman Jessica Konen who decided to sue her local school board when she discovered that her 12 year old daughter was being re-programmed to be a man by a couple of teachers who asked her not to inform her parents.
The N.Y. Times Jamelle Bouie, whom I cited in my last blog, sees such pieces of legislation as but further example of “conservatism’s” disdain for freedom of speech. Most on the Left agree. However, sparing children who are nowhere near biological or intellectual maturity a discussion of their sexual identity would seem to be simple common sense. But quite beyond that, the narrative which the LGBTQ community is seeking to introduce into academia as a staple of rational, Western belief, is in no way Scientific or Rational, indeed is Ideological in the very worst sense of that word.
The binary gender paradigm is Nature’s norm, heterosexual Men and Women being the Evolutionary solution to the perpetuation of the species. Sadly, while homosexuality was accepted in Ancient Greece, it has since been demonized in a number of civilizations as an intolerable “deviation.” The word “deviant” is fraught with peril. It’s use as a moral pejorative is absurd, one’s sexual proclivities, aside from certain objectively defined crimes [i.e., rape, pedophilia, etc.] having nothing to do with one’s moral status. Love and respect for all human beings, however they identify, is simple common sense. But that is not the truth the LGBTQ community is seeking to establish as a given of Western “progressive” societies.
The solution of those in the “gay” community to the notion that they are in any way a deviation from Nature’s Norm, is to suggest that that norm is just a myth, that gender has nothing to do with biology, indeed is merely a matter of choice. Clearly afflicted with the cancer of Post Modernism, they invoke the ever useful concept of the “social construct,” the idea that the traditional binary gender paradigm is an arbitrary cultural convention with no basis in biological reality. This is utter nonsense and yet they would have it taught in our schools.
A number of scholars/scientists have written books showing sexual orientation to be biologically programmed within our genetic makeup. Quite aside from the evidence they provide, my existence as a heterosexual Male leaves absolutely no doubt as to the biological basis of my orientation. It is not a Social Construct! Women for me are the most enchanting creatures on the planet and not for a moment, not for a second, have I ever found the notion of sex with another male anything but repulsive. But while that would seem to be the norm for the vast majority of males, those in the radical gay community would have our children taught that their gender is entirely a matter of choice, entirely fluid. It is a lie designed to make them feel better about themselves. I understand it is a result of centuries of persecution within both Christian and Muslim societies, but that does not make it true. Distorting reality to suit one’s personal sense of worth is hardly a sound moral principle, yet it is a principle fundamental to the “progressive” Left which brazenly ignores evidence, both Historical and Biological, of tremendous diversity within the species in support of the Egalitarian Delusion that we’re all really the same.
So just as C.R.T. is opinion as opposed to fact, so also is the narrative presently being flogged by the LGBTQ community. The health of a Democracy demands its vehicles of information, including both its institutions of learning and its various media, deal in Facts rather than Ideology. The underlying assumption of the Humanist designers of our Democracies was that each citizen is entitled to live his/her life without interference from the State, and that includes the right of parents to raise their own children.
By all means inform our young of the sins committed by White Westerners throughout history without endorsing the now fashionable Leftist notion that White, Western Civilization is inherently evil, which it is not. By all means teach tolerance and respect for every gender orientation, without including the lie that gender has nothing to do with one’s genetic makeup, which it absolutely does. There is a radical difference between objective fact and propaganda. Sadly, those “progressives” who have flooded our educational curricula with their political views don’t seem to be aware of that difference. The irony of their stance, of course, is that while they use Post Modernism to denounce all other points of view as just a matter of opinion, they are fanatically convinced of the rectitude of their own! The result of this flagrant double-standard is the Leftist Fascism that has now come to dominate Western Civilization.