Just watched a video posted by Mark Kaye last Oct. focusing on a CNN interview conducted by Don Lemon with British woman Hillary Fordwich. Ms. Fordwich is White, an entrepreneur and a frequent guest on Fox News. When Lemon, a Black man, asked her to comment on his belief that White Americans owed the descendants of slaves monetary reparations for the injustices of the past, her response left him more or less speechless.
Yes, she said, reparations were perhaps in order. Inasmuch as the Black rulers of Africa had sold their own people into slavery for centuries, their descendants ought in fact to be held to account. Moreover as more than 2000 British sailors had lost their lives in patrolling the coast of Africa after Britain banned slavery from its Empire early in the 19th C., perhaps their families ought also to be compensated. Her statements were historically accurate yet utterly inconsistent with the simplistic, delusional, anti-White narrative fabricated by the Neo-Marxist Left. Mesmerized by her response, Lemon immediately terminated the interview!
Of course there are idiots on the “far right” whose opinions are unworthy of consideration. But while the Left consistently cites them as typical of all “conservatives,” mainstream “conservatism” is rational, factual and devoid of bias. Fordwich’s references to the facts of History left Don Lemon more or less speechless because it is mindless sentiment rather respect for the Truth that defines the woke, contemporary Left, a degenerate religious cult that is in fact slavishly addicted to misinformation while falsely accusing its opponents of the very same addiction.