Last weekend The N.Y. Times published an opinion piece by Maureen Dowd entitled “Donald Trump’s Insatiable Bloodlust.” The article is rife with references to Shakespeare’s “Macbeth” who, as he became king by killing his predecessor, is used as a symbol of Trump’s criminal lust for power evident in the Jan. 6 “insurrection” through which he …
Category Archives: Uncategorized
An Objective View of Trump
On Mar. 16, Canada’s National Post published an opinion piece by Conrad Black indicting a recent editorial in The Globe and Mail as just so much political bias further energized by personal loathing. The target of the Globe article, of course, was Donald Trump. After clarifying his past relationships with both the owners of the …
A N.Y. Times Article fraught with Irony
In its International section on the weekend of Mar. 2, The New York Times published a wonderful piece by Dutch writer Ian Buruma on the philosophy of Baruch Spinoza. Born a Sephardic Jew in Amsterdam in 1632, Spinoza’s ideas were central to the evolution of what has come to be known as the European Enlightenment. …
The Pathetic Joke that is “The View”
Last week, the wonderful Megyn Kelly welcomed the three hosts of The Fifth Column podcast to her show. The adjective most frequently used to describe the trio is “libertarian.” Perhaps the most interesting of the three is Kmele Foster who, as a Black man, utterly refuses to bow before the Identity Politics endorsed by the …
Hypocrisy is now a Cultural Norm!
In both Canada and the States, as I pointed out in my last blog, “liberals” bereft of rational responses to the arguments of their “conservative” opponents, frequently resort to hateful slurs which would seem to make them guilty of the very fanaticism they purport to loathe. The Canadian “conservative” website True North recently [Mar. 28] …
I am Elon Musk!
Aside from the fact that I need to watch every penny I spend and he is a billionaire, Elon Musk and I are barely distinguishable. In a recent post on X, Musk cited his views on the major issues of our day, insisting they were utterly, rationally, “centrist” and in no way warranted being disparaged …
To Hell with Private Property!
Adele Andaloro is the owner of a home in Queens, N.Y. worth approximately a million dollars which she inherited from her parents who are both now deceased. Having left it unattended for some time, she recently went there in anticipation of selling it, only to discover that it was now inhabited by homeless squatters. Having …
The Moral Nihilism of the Left
Last month, former Black WNBA player Sheryl Swoopes made several comments about White WNBA player Caitlin Clark which many deemed to be overtly racist. Seemingly plagued by guilt, she has since retracted some of her comments. But while admitting to their impropriety, she has adamantly insisted that Black people simply can’t be Racists. This assertion, …
You Go Girls!
Yesterday The Free Press of Bari Weiss revealed that 16 female athletes were suing The National Collegiate Athletics Association [NCAA] for allowing Trans Females to not only compete with girls at the college level but to share locker rooms with them even while still endowed with male genitalia. The Free Press article focused on the …
The Persecution of J. K. Rowling
In a wonderful article published in Canada’s National Post in Feb. of 2023, Pamela Paul of the N.Y. Times cited the results of her investigation into the possibility that J. K. Rowling might indeed be “transphobic.” Opening her article with several quotes from Rowling suggesting she is wholly sympathetic to those struggling with gender ambiguity, …