You can always get Half the Truth in the N.Y. Times

The N. Y. Times International supplement of July1-2 included an article by Nicholas Kristof entitled: The Hunter Biden Saga and Its Real Lesson. In it Kristof celebrates Joe’s love for his drug addicted son while lamenting the horrible impact such addictions are having across the U.S.. The “real lesson” of the saga in question, apparently, …

Some Classic Leftist “Logic”

In my last blog I cited Charles Murray’s 1994 book “The Bell Curve” which provided statistical evidence that the species’ various races are genetically programmed somewhat differently. In the broadest terms, Whites and Asians are on average slightly more intelligent and slightly less temperamentally prone to criminality than Blacks and Hispanics. This thesis, of course, …

Racism is Incompatible with Conservatism!

Rational Conservatism, formerly known as Humanism, sees Man as an Intelligent, Volitional Being whose Ideas, Values and Behavior must be viewed in that context. It is a perspective which by definition transcends superficial judgments based on Race, Gender or Sexual Orientation. Yes, there are racists, sexists and homophobes amongst us, but no one given to …

Legal Corruption both North and South of the Border!

In the States, an investigation is presently under way into the possibly criminal behavior of Hunter Biden and ultimately, perhaps, the corruption of his entire family. Here in Canada, both the legality of Trudeau’s invocation of the Emergencies Act as well as his party’s cooperation with certain resident Chinese Communists who reputedly contributed to the …

Culturally Insane and Proud of it!

The Toronto District School Board is presently seeking to increase the racial sensitivity of its no doubt predominantly White staff. One of the consulting firms so employed is the KOJO Institute founded by Kike Ojo-Thompson. Two “training” sessions conducted by her in 2021 led Richard Bilkszto, a former principal and 24 year veteran of the …

What if their last name was Trump?

Investigations into the highly questionable foreign business dealings of Hunter Biden and the role his father played in them when he was vice president, have recently been the topic of discussion of many of the online “conservative” sites to which I subscribe. While I have accumulated about 20 pages of notes on this subject, I …

The Left in One Simple Sentence.

An individual who constantly regales her friends with humorous posts, recently sent me the following. As I do not know the identity of the statement’s author, I cannot give he/she their well-deserved credit. But the statement is inarguably true and a perfect summation of the absurdity of our contemporary “progressive” culture. It reads as follows: …