Hmm, Lori is sounding very “conservative.”

There has not been a Republican mayor of Chicago since 1931 [William Hale Thompson]. In that city’s recent election, Lori Lightfoot became the first incumbent seeking re-election to suffer defeat in over 30 years. I found her assertion, shortly after her elimination in Feb., that she had lost because she was Black, Female and Gay, …

C.B.D.C.s ….. Ugh!!!!

Central Bank Digital Currencies replace actual cash in hand with digital values which can be controlled by their issuers. As Central Banks operate in close consort with the reigning federal government of their land, such currencies would give those governments the ability to actually control the spending habits of their citizens. That control would be …

Populism: A Gross Stereotype

On Mar. 11 of this year, Canada’s Globe and Mail published an article by academic/lawyer/writer, Philip Slayton. Its topic was Antisemitism, its thesis more or less implied by its subheading: “The fight against mindless populism must be fought, though it will never be won.” In the third paragraph of his massive opinion piece, Slayton informs …

Bless your Integrity, Ms. Wolf!

As most now know, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy recently granted Tucker Carlson access to approximately 41,000 hours of video coverage of the Jan. 6 “insurrection.” Carlson’s purpose in releasing some of that footage was not to utterly whitewash the day’s events, but to expose the fundamental dishonesty of the narrative presently in vogue, the narrative …

The Cancer of the Victim Mentality

Nothing better illustrates the intellectual dysfunction induced by the Left’s simplistic narrative of oppression, than an interview conducted by Glenn Beck with documentary filmmaker Ami Horowitz in July of 2022. Intrigued by the fact that the vast majority of the LBGTQ community side with the Palestinians in their conflict with Israel, Horowitz decided to make …

Paulo Freire: Another Brilliant “Intellectual”

Paulo Freire’s 1968 book, “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”, was a seminal work in the evolution of what today is known as Critical Race Theory. Making CRT an integral aspect of every Western student’s education has become a cause celebre among contemporary “intellectuals” and their “progressive” minions. Of course “conservatives” who question the validity of that …