The sheer stupidity of the Defund movement!

In 2020, when San Fransisco’s Democratic mayor London Breed proposed a 35 million dollar cut in police spending, City Supervisor Hillary Ronen declared that was not nearly enough. Ultimately the police budget was decreased by approximately 120 million. Today that same Ms. Ronen is begging for a greater police presence in her city. CNN recently …

A Brief History of Western Misogyny

The dominant narrative of our day, perverted by the disdain for historical context typical of the Left, sees Western Man’s treatment of Women throughout the ages as an abomination. Yes, the Women of Ancient Athens were generally confined to their households as wives and mothers. But given the seemingly obvious dictates of Nature and the …

The Leftist Mind on Parade

On Feb. 13, Democratic South Dakota Representative Erin Healy tweeted: “Extremist group Family Heritage Alliance said this morning that the safest place for kids are in families that have a married mom and dad. What a dangerous and un-American belief.” For the Left, apparently, the traditional nuclear family is now a radical right wing institution! …

Cultural Achievement is a Cancer to the Left

Demonstrable disparities in our species’ levels of intelligence, moral integrity and achievement are anathema to those on the Left whose fundamental value of “inclusiveness” is rooted in the egalitarian delusion that we are all really the same. The acknowledgment that some civilizations categorically outperformed others in most every realm of human endeavor is now deemed …

Hatred parading as Impartial Commentary!

Fred Youngs is a former executive at CBC News, Canada’s government sponsored TV network which pretends to be devoted to the Truth while being little more than a vehicle of Leftist propaganda. The Jan. 20 edition of my local newspaper, The Hamilton Spectator, featured a piece by him entitled “Poilievre’s far-right flirtations continue.” Pierre Poilievre, …