Green Fanaticism vs. Rational Humanism

On Aug. 5 The Epoch Times posted an article on the economic collapse and social anarchy of Sri Lanka, a thriving nation of approximately 20 million up until the election of President Gotabaya Rajapaksa in 2019. While his government’s corruption was certainly a factor, its pursuit of an agenda that was both anti-capitalist and radically …

The Camels are on the Horizon!

Just watched a Tik Tok video posted by Mouna Limam of whom I know little. Opening with the enigmatic statement “The camels are on the horizon,” she is in fact referring to a speech given by Dubai’s Sheik Rashid who contended that great Civilizations founded by courageous “warriors” have tended to collapse approximately two and …

You are Ideologues, NOT Academics!

On April 29, 2020, an article appeared in the Hamilton Spectator by U. of Ottawa professor Stuart Chambers concerning Jordan Peterson’s “postmodern neurosis.” Chambers finds Peterson’s contention that Postmodernism threatens the very essence of Western Civilization an outright lie which he insists on preaching to a bunch of “gullible” simpletons [i.e.,”conservatives”]. As evidence, he cites …

N.Y. Times….Sincere Congratulations!

Whether it was a cynical response to America’s declining faith in the mainstream media or an honest expression of self-awareness, The N.Y. Times recently [July 21] published 8 articles by opinion columnists introduced with the heading: “I was wrong about….” Columnist Bret Stephens defined as his worst line ever: “If by now you don’t find …

Has the World gone Mad or have I ?

The National Collegiate Athletic Association has nominated Lia Thomas as a worthy candidate for the title of Woman of the Year. Thomas, born Male, has of course been dominating the collegiate swim circuit as a transgender Female. Martina Navratilova, an LGBT activist and certainly no right-wing reactionary, tweeted that the nomination was an affront to …