Are They Still Calling it “Education”?

In 1987 philosopher Allen Bloom published “The Closing of the American Mind: How higher education has failed democracy and impoverished the souls of today’s students.” As has been a recurrent theme of this blog, he averred that the widespread academic endorsement of Postmodern Relativism had seriously undermined the impact of Rational Critical Thought. In 2011 …

Oops! We Were just Kidding in 2020-21!

In an infamous Tweet of 2021, Michigan representative Rashida Tlaib, a member of the female Squad at least in part responsible for pushing Biden to the far Left, pleaded “no more policing,” suggesting not only that inasmuch as America’s police forces were “inherently racist” they should be radically reduced in size, but that convicted criminals …

Why the Woke hate Jordan Peterson

The ontological assumption informing Jordan Peterson’s “Twelve Rules for Life” is that we are intelligent beings capable of understanding both ourselves and the world around us. Implicit in this Enlightenment vision of Man is the notion that Objective Truth is to a large extent available to us, Reason being the vehicle to its apprehension. Succumbing …

Hate Speech: A Fascist Leftist Tool!

Tennessee Republican Marsha Blackburn recently informed her 150,000 Facebook followers that as far as she was concerned: “Biological men have no place in women’s sports.” This would seem to be a rational observation rooted not in hatred for transgenders but in sympathy for the millions of women whose careers might be jeopardized by a minority …

Mainstream News: Relentlessly Dishonest

In a wonderful video posted by Ben Shapiro on May 20, Michael Knowles discusses a compilation put together by Glen Greenwald exposing the many brazen lies told by MSNBC’s Nicole Wallace who, even as she lies, accuses the Right of being a shameless source of misinformation. As her statements were made on national television, they …

Sieg Heil!

A couple of days ago Canadian “conservative” Andrew Lawton, who is affiliated with Candace Malcolm’s True North, described the lengths to which the World Economic Forum was willing to go to assure that only journalists of whom they approved could attend their annual meeting. Before announcing the dates of that event [May22-26], the WEF apparently …

Name Calling vs. Rational Debate

The Left’s moral and intellectual bankruptcy is truly disgusting. I have before me hundreds of articles by so-called intellectuals which, while offering no rational justification for their moral outrage, simply denounce everyone on the political Right by assailing them with the same tired mantra of insulting epithets. Foremost among them, of course, is the term …