Notice to Parents…..

In rummaging through the dozens of notes I’ve made on subjects worth pursuing, I came across an article posted by Pamela Geller on Jan. 24 regarding the views of college professor and former MSNBC personality Melissa Harris Perry. An “expert” in Political Science and more specifically African American Studies, Perry had recently tweeted: “We have …

The Left Feeds off Ignorance!

Had a depressing conversation last night with a long-time acquaintance who declared that since he had concluded Justin Trudeau was a simpleton, he had no viable option in any upcoming Canadian election. Why not vote Conservative, I asked him. But “conservatives” are all a bunch of intolerant/racist/misogynist a-holes, he answered. Inasmuch as we had never …

Lies and Hypocrisy from the “Moral High Ground”!

On Wed., April 6, at a “disinformation” conference held at the U. of Chicago, Leftist reporter Anne Applebaum of The Atlantic, when asked by a student why her publication had, in the weeks leading up to the 2020 election, failed to pursue the Hunter Biden laptop story, answered as follows: “My problem with Hunter Biden’s …

Transgender Fascism

Candace Malcolm’s True North recently published an article on the efforts of transgender activists in Ontario to have their agenda installed as a regular feature of the province’s educational curricula. At a recent Toronto District School Board meeting, advocates told officials that students should be allowed to use whichever washroom best suited their gender identity …

The Cancer of “Whiteness”!

The Blaze today published an article on the decision of First United Church in Oak Park, Illinois, to banish any traces of Whiteness from its Lenten services. Its website was succinct: “Lent 2022: Fasting From Whiteness.” In the forty days in question, apparently, the church will draw exclusively on the traditions of African and Indigenous …

Really? Must We Swallow this B.S. in Silence?

Eisa Nefertari Ulen is a journalist, author, and Professor of African literature at New York’s Hunter College. In a recent podcast Dinesh D’Souza expressed his reluctance to even comment on Will Smith’s notorious slap, yet said he felt compelled to do so by the absurdity of the spin put on that incident by Prof. Ulen …

Are They Your Kids or the States’?

Ron Desantis’ House Bill 1557 would ban any discussion of gender politics from kindergarten to grade 3 in Florida’s schools. Called The Parents’ Rights and Education Bill, it assumes discussions of gender identity to be totally inappropriate when dealing with kids 5 to 8, while at the same time including stipulations that schools inform parents …

N.Y. Times, Feb. 26: B.S. As Usual!

The International Section of the N.Y. Times of Feb. 26/7, included an article by Black commentator Jamelle Bouie entitled “You Just Can’t Tell the Truth About America Anymore.” Given that I see evidence everywhere of Big Tech and Big Gov. stifling the free speech of anyone not in lock-step with Leftist Ideology, I was intrigued …