You Can’t Make This Stuff Up!

This past Tuesday Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari posted a threatening Tweet condemning the young people in the southeast region of his country who had taken to attacking police stations and various government buildings. Twitter, claiming that the Tweet violated its policy on abusive behavior, decided to delete it. Buhari decided to delete Twitter, suspending its …

Relentlessly Delusional!

A New York Times article of May 25, the anniversary of George Floyd’s death, granted that American support for B.L.M. had fallen dramatically over the last several months, attributing that decline to the propaganda of the White, Elitist, Republican Establishment. Support among Whites, it suggests, was always tentative at best inasmuch as that demographic had …

Hatred Everywhere!

Fri., April 2, anti-Black and anti-Semitic slurs were found in a dorm stairwell at Michigan’s Albion College…..Staff and students were outraged and marched in protest…..Turns out the perpetrator was a 21 year old Black student simply trying to stir up trouble….Subsequent tweets by school authorities continued to descry White Supremacy while failing to mention the …

The Evidence is in our Streets!

The degenerate moral standards of the Left, which have become the dominant standards of our degenerate culture, are directly responsible for the barbarity presently parading through the streets of most Western Democracies. It is not the fact that there are barbarians among us that is disturbing, that’s just a reality of the human condition. What …

The Post-Moral World of the Left

Recently, as he was about to launch into a discussion of the Hamas-Israeli conflict, Trevor Noah announced that he would be “setting aside motives and intentions.” A simpleton of the very first order, Noah spends night after night mocking “conservatives” with the sophistication of a grimacing six year old, never going anywhere near a consideration …