On Mar. 23 in Washington D.C., two young Black girls, aged 13 and 15, entered the vehicle of Uber Eats driver Mohammad Anwar, used a stun gun to subdue him and drove off, flipping the car shortly thereafter. A recent immigrant from Pakistan which he had left to escape the violence there, Anwar was killed …
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Charles Holmes: “The Conservative Crusade Against Wet Ass Pussy”
Candace Owens was appalled that Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion were allowed to perform their Wet Ass Pussy routine on the recent Grammys. Almost completely naked, the two women engaged in a series of gyrations suggesting any number of sexual acts to the accompaniment of what is apparently passing for music these days. Equally …
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Candace and Amala…..
As I have pointed out elsewhere, a number of high profile “conservatives” both in Canada and the States who were formerly “liberals” chose to abandon the Left, finding it intellectually absurd and morally repugnant. While they may perhaps exist, I know of none who moved in the opposite direction for similar reasons. Coincidentally, I just …
The Third Wave
“The Elect,” a work by Black Columbia associate professor John McWhorter, is being published in serialized form on the web site Persuasion. The subtitle to one of his entries pretty much says it all: “The Neoracists: A new religion is preached across America. It’s nonsense posing as wisdom.” McWhorter suggests the Civil Rights movement in …
I have never met Ezra Levant or Lauren Chen or Candace Owens or Thomas Sowell, but should any of them knock on my door I would have no problem whatsoever connecting with them, our capacity for Reason being what binds us together. Indeed it is Reason that makes meaningful discourse within the species possible at …
Violence Against Asians
In a blog of Mar. 22, I discussed Alison Collins and the decision of the San Fransisco School Board of which she was a member to base admission to its very prestigious Lowell High School on a lottery rather than merit. Collins, I did not mention, is a Black women and her diatribe against so-called …
Trump, briefly, one more time….
As a Canadian Conservative I am saddened to see that Erin O’Toole’s stratagem to win the next election is to pander to the political Left on almost every issue imaginable. To cite but one example, in his most important speech to date as head of the Conservative Party, he declared the hypothesis that man made …
Welcome to Fantasy Land
Taking their cue from a picture of the individual responsible for the recent mass murder in Boulder, Colorado, many took to Twitter denouncing him as yet another example of White Supremacy run amok. But while the individual in question may have appeared to be White, Ahmad Al Alivi Alissa was in fact a Muslim born …
The Intellectual Highroad???
In my wanderings through the limitless expanses of the internet I recently chanced upon one Rick Wilson, a political strategist, media consultant and Florida based Republican who nevertheless absolutely loathed Donald Trump. If it seems absurd that I should cite a Republican as an example of the sort of childish antics typically manifest on the …
The Truth on Life Support!
Democrat Ted Lieu of California as well as Biden’s Press Secretary Jen Psaki have put the burden of guilt for the recent murder of 8 in Atlanta Georgia, 6 of whom were female Oriental spa workers, on Donald Trump who not only made it quite clear that the Coronavirus had originated in China, but glibly …