Conservatives Need “Re-Programming”?

Alison Collins of the San Fransisco School Board has come under attack for some tweets she made in 2016 that seem to epitomize the unconscionable stupidity of the “woke” Left. Clearly sharing Ibram X. Kendi’s “anti-racist” racism, she accused Asian Americans of using “white supremacist thinking” to “get ahead.” As I have already pointed out, …

Equally Delusional…..

The Biden/Harris policies presently being implemented on America’s Southern Boarder are no less naive, no less delusional, no less blind to the actualities of the Real World, than the “progressive” legal “reforms” cited above. Last year there were approximately 56,000 illegal aliens in America’s prisons, they being twice as likely as the rest of the …

Michelle and Oprah

The genuine anti-racist considers the Integrity of the Principles, Values and Behavior under consideration rather than the skin color of those responsible for them. A recent statement by young Black conservative Joel Patrick says it all: People say I talk white. There’s no such thing as talking white, “it’s called speaking proper English.” Absurdly, the …

Yes, We are Capable of Thought!

Sarah Silverman has always seemed to me to be just another “woke” Hollywood “progressive.” But in a recent video she disavows any party affiliation, aligning herself with other former “liberals” such as Dave Rubin who abandoned the Left because he found it intellectually null. Most significant among Sarah’s statements are the following: Without ideas, what …


Just watched a video posted by Michael Knowles showing a group of perhaps a half dozen “protesters” seemingly in their mid to late teens throwing objects at passing cars, apparently in expression of their outrage with the state of contemporary America. Unfortunately for them, one of the cars pulls over, its enraged elderly driver emerging …

The Real Threat to Democracy, according to the FACTS!

Jordan Peterson recently posted on his Twitter account a chart showing the results of a survey conducted before the 2020 election by American National Elections Studies. Carried out by the U. of Michigan and Stanford U., the question addressed to the public was: How much do you feel it is justified for people to use …

Thomas Sowell vs. Patrice Cullors

Two quotes from Black “conservative” Thomas Sowell: “Each new generation born is in effect an invasion of civilization by little barbarians who must be civilized before it is too late.” “The problem isn’t that Johnny can’t read. The problem isn’t even that Johnny can’t think. The problem is that Johnny doesn’t know what thinking is; …