It’s Orwellian!

Most are familiar with the term “double-speak.” It was a characteristic feature of the Fascist Dictatorship depicted by Orwell in “1984.” A friend today included on her Facebook page a 2018 entry by a group called “Canadian Patriots,” a group predictably demonized by many as an alt-Right hate group. I am in no position to …

Any Leftist, anytime…..

The title of my initial Blog was Mindless by Design. It was intended as a reference to the intellectual vacuity of the political Left. The philosophical assumptions informing the politics of Marx, Lenin, Marcuse, Antifa, B.L.M., Ocasio-Cortez etc.. etc., etc., are extremely contentious at best and in many cases absolutely absurd. In an article in …

The White Devil

Raphael Warnock is a Black Democrat presently running for the Senate in the state of Georgia. His diagnosis of the problems confronting his nation is perhaps best expressed in his recent statement that “America needs to repent for its worship of Whiteness.” Attacked by his opponent, Kelly Loeffler, for other similar statements as well as …

Stereotypes vs. Real People

As reported by The Blaze, David Atkins, California member of the Democratic National Committee, recently suggested that the 75 million Americans who voted for Donald Trump need to be “deprogrammed,” characterizing them as a “death cult against reality and basic decency.” Seeking to emphasize just how hopelessly deluded they were, he added: “We have to …