Our Facebook Which Art in Heaven….

If you have seen Dinesh D’ Souza speak, you know he expresses himself calmly, intelligently, rationally. But he is a “conservative.” In a comment posted on Facebook, he recently critiqued Joe Biden’s statement that Antifa was merely an Idea. Made in one of his debates with Trump, it was comparable to asserting that 2+2=1000! With …

Reason No, Fanaticism Yes!

I tell my “liberal” friends that a vote for the Left is a vote against Western Civilization and they stare blankly. Black American Pastor Kynan Bridges recently suggested most people on the Left don’t have a clue about what they’re really voting for, their ignorance reinforced daily by the river of bias churned out by …

Bless You, Mr. Trudeau!

On Oct. 16, a French schoolteacher, Samuel Paty, was beheaded outside his school by a Chechen immigrant for having presented cartoons of Mohammad to his students for discussion. While his 18 year old killer was shot dead by police, seven others, including two of Paty’s students, were arrested. French President Emmanuel Macron defended the Principle …

Inconvenient Truths?

Canadian evolutionary psychologist Gad Saad has just published a book entitled “The Parasitic Mind: How Infectious Ideas are Killing Common Sense.” While I am perhaps over simplifying, his major concern would seem to be the Left’s absurd attempt to remove Biology from the human narrative, to suggest that the way societies unfold is almost exclusively …