A June podcast by “Mr. Reagan” [Chris Kohls] entitled “Top Ten Examples of Fake News” is clearly a response to the relentless media attacks on Trump’s questionable respect for the truth. Speaking without thinking is no doubt one of his foremost flaws and one can hardly deny that he is prone to exaggerating if not …
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Some Oldies but Goodies
In Sept., after Chinese virologist Dr. Li-Meng, in conjunction with three other doctors, published a paper showing there was a good deal of scientific evidence that Covid 19 was created in a Wuhan lab, Twitter suspended her account. The sanctimonious defenders of political correctness always know the Truth and see no need to submit such …
Keith Olbermann
Sportscaster Keith Olbermann has just left ESPN to host a You Tube show devoted to the current political situation in the States. In explaining his concerns this past Thursday, he went on as follows: The task is two-fold: the terrorist Trump must be defeated, must be destroyed, must be devoured at the ballot box, and …
Trump Derangement Syndrome
Trump has to go. He is ripping America apart. It is because of him that armies of the disaffected are terrorizing its streets, looting and pillaging, burning police cars and shooting cops. It is an opinion born of ignorance. What is going on in the States today has been gaining momentum for well over half …
Real “Anti-Racists”
In our contemporary Western world where tens of millions have apparently flown over the Cuckoo’s Nest, White criticism, however Rational, of any aspect of Black culture or behavior, is deemed inherently racist because Reason itself [2+2=4] is no more than a tool of White supremacy. Of course exasperation with this nonsense is itself deemed racist. …
The China Delusion
Denouncing the Chinese Communist Government is in no way a denunciation of the people of China. The Left tends to conflate matters of Principle with racial intolerance because Principles are foreign to its empty Ideology. Nothing better illustrates this fact than the ludicrous infatuation of Canada’s current Prime Minister with the totalitarian government of China. …
Thought as Hate Speech!
If you vote Left, you are literally voting for academically sanctioned bullshit! On April 5, 2017, “conservative” commentator Heather MacDonald was scheduled to speak at Claremont McKenna College, UCLA, ostensibly to defend American police forces against the charge of being systemically racist and genocidal. Members of BLM disrupted the event, many in the unruly mob …
Brazen Bias as Unequivocal Truth
Charges that Amy Coney Barrett’s Catholic “dogmatism” renders her unfit to sit on America’s Supreme Court are falling from the sky like raindrops. So arrogant, so devoid of self-awareness, so utterly consumed by bias are those “progressives” making this charge, that they are apparently unaware of the fanatical, fundamentalist nature of their own Dogmatic vision …
How Do They Live With Their Lies?
President Trump has nominated Amy Coney Barrett to replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg on America’s Supreme Court. She is an orthodox Catholic and as such her convictions on issues such as abortion are hardly in keeping with the political Left. Married to fellow Notre Dame graduate Jesse, they have seven children, two of whom are adopted …
On Sept. 25 Keean Bexte of The Rebel posted a video of a brief interaction with Catherine McKenna, Canada’s Minister of Infrastructure. There has been a good deal of talk by Liberals lately of the need to remove “hate speech” from the Internet’s various networks. Of course “hate speech” has ludicrously come to be equated …