As of mid-summer 2020, over 90,000 criminals had been released from American prisons so as to spare them the threat of Covid contagion. In Washington D.C. on July 4, 11 year old Davon McNeal took a stray bullet to the head as he was on his way to an anti-violence barbecue with his family. Four …
Category Archives: Uncategorized
It is Candace Owens and not Ibram X. Kendi who is the true anti-racist. While he is fixated on the color of his skin, she is concerned with the efficacy of Principles and Values, whatever their ethnic origin. In a Sept. 6 talk with Ben Shapiro, Candace recalls she was amazed to discover that one …
Selective Racism?
Polls citing the average annual income of individuals of different racial backgrounds tend to be more or less consistent throughout Canada and the States. Asians, and that includes both Orientals as well as those from the Indian sub-continent, top the list, making somewhere between 85 and 90 thousand dollars a year. White people come in …
So Very, Very Delusional!
On June 1, 2020, Rex Murphy wrote in The National Post that Canada was not systemically racist, indeed that when compared to a host of other nations world-wide, it is decidedly welcoming and compassionate. It is a truth I could defend with a myriad of historical/factual references to anyone wishing to debate it. This is …
In his 2012 book “The Righteous Mind,” Jonathon Haidt argues that it is Intuition that ought to be our moral beacon, suggesting, in typical Postmodern fashion, that Reason is but a weapon we use to justify that which is in our own best interest. Whereas thinkers from Socrates to Sartre to Nathaniel Branden see rational …
Happy Labor Day Weekend
CBS Chicago has reported that as of late Sunday evening of this Labor Day weekend, 39 have been shot and 5 killed in Chicago. And Monday is still before us. That the Ideologues at B.L.M. chose to denigrate if not defund the police is understandable given their stated goal of destroying America. That simpletons at …
A Pandemic of Hypocrisy
In May of 2017 the Black staff and students at Evergreen State College in Washington exploded with anger over the refusal of liberal staff member Brett Weinstein to remove himself from campus on a day designated by them as an admission of White racial guilt. His e-mail explaining his position was reasonable and considerate; his …
Not long ago I discovered a video of a young David Suzuki, Canadian environmental radical, expatiating before a group of friends whose appearance and demeanor clearly identify them as counter-cultural cool. His message is interesting. We are all, he says, maggots; regular people, First or Second level Maggots, Capitalists, Tenth Level! Such a lovely expression …
This was Perfectly Predictable
The Neo-Romantic notion that Reason and The Rule of Law are inherently “oppressive” has been morphing through our culture for over 200 years now. While it is undeniable that slow but steady progress in the realm of social justice has been made throughout the post-War West within the framework of its democratically mandated institutions, it …
The Dumbest Generation
At Stanford U. in 1980 Jesse Jackson introduced the chant “Hey hey, ho ho, Western culture’s got to go.” Over the last 60 years, based on the assumption that it has violated and oppressed both many of its own citizens as well as much of the “third world,” Western Civilization as a core requirement has …