In an article on social justice in the Oct. 5, 2019 edition of the Hamilton Spectator, the Rev Victoria Ingram states that “Western ideology values objectivity and individualism. In seeking objectivity, we privilege a focus on the reasonable and the rational.” Think of the ramifications of what she is saying. Those benefits which result from …
Category Archives: Uncategorized
White Privilege
The Enlightenment thinkers of Western Europe rescued that continent from the relative intellectual stagnation in which it had languished for more than a thousand years. Invoking the rationalism of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle, they saw Reason as the chief means by which Man might both improve his plight on the planet and transcend the baser …
Are They Insane???
On April 22, 2017, the National Post published a piece by one Calum Marsh entitled “A Flat-Out Lie.” The heading is a reference to that small percentage of Christians who, in spite of the evidence of science, continue to subscribe to brazen untruths [i.e., that the Earth is flat]. But the article as a whole …
Reality Anyone???
In a recent Viewpoint discussion between Camille Paglia and Christina Hoff Sommers, the ladies agree that our young, including even our relatively well-educated young, know nothing of the past, their ignorance being the direct result of generations of academics willing to flog Marcuse’s demonstrably biased assertion that Western Civilization is the most abominable cancer in …
In a recent appearance [June 23?] on the podcast of Eric Metaxas, Black American conservative Larry Elder discusses at length his film “Uncle Tom,” a film not likely to be given much attention in the mainstream media, a film which Metaxas declares utterly destroys the narrative of “systemic” White racism in America. It is available …
Them vs. Us ???
Black civil rights activist C. Delores Tucker inveighed against “gangsta rap” as a cancer devouring the moral fiber of America’s Black urban youth. More recently, “conservative” Brandon Tatum, also a person of color, says he stopped listening to rap when he decided he was no longer interested in shooting people or degrading Women. But in …
The Egalitarian Delusion
In an article in the New York Times of July 29, 2017, Robert Reich states that one of the foundation stones of modern Western society is the “conviction that all citizens are morally equal.” While the Architects of Democracy would certainly have agreed that all individuals need to be treated as Equals before the Law, …
Mindless by Design
Please check your biases at the door. I’m not about to say what you think I’m going to say, my contention being that the simplistic narrative of the Left is itself responsible for reducing all of Human History to mere issues of envy, resentment and ultimately hate!!! The fundamental Principles and Values and indeed the …