If you get your news from CNN or the CBC, you are no doubt either unaware of the existence of the document I am about to cite or have been convinced it’s just another piece of pro-capitalist, right wing propaganda. As reported by the Epoch Times on Aug. 26, over 1100 scientists from 15 countries put their names to a World Climate Declaration asserting that there is no climate emergency. The independent Climate Intelligence Foundation [Clintel] released a statement on June 27 summarizing the implications of the document. It read in part: “Climate science should be less political, while climate policies should be more scientific.” “Scientists should openly address uncertainties and exaggerations in their predictions of global warming” while “politicians should dispassionately count the real costs as well as the imagined benefits of their policy measures.”
These statements all seem to me eminently rational. As I have pointed out elsewhere, thousands of accredited scientists have signed other similar manifestos, yet the brain-dead defenders of our mainstream culture insist that 97% of all scientists are on side with the anthropogenic narrative. And of course those who thoughtlessly submit to what they are being fed on a daily basis are absolutely convinced no other p.o.v. is worthy of consideration. Hence the horrid state of contemporary political “discourse.”
Anyone paying attention is aware of the various predictions of immanent environmental disaster made over the last couple of decades. In 2007 we were told the polar icecaps would be gone by 2013! They are not! One oft repeated warning has concerned the probable demise of the world’s polar bear populations as a result of the harm done to their natural habitat by global warming. How strange, then, as reported by the Epoch Times, that the arm of the Canadian government concerned with environmental issues recently announced that a sharp increase in the number of polar bears in various northern communities was imperiling both our Indigenous populations as well as those of the various species upon which they are prone to feed. Hmmm!
As pointed out by Clintel, the sanctimonious defenders of the contemporary environmental narrative never stop exaggerating the harm done to the world by Man’s admittedly minute contribution to a gas, CO2, that comprises 1/2 of 1% of the earth’s atmosphere. Nor do they ever focus on the multitude of uncertainties that make that narrative little more than a theory. As is typical of more or less every faction of the totalitarian Left, there is simply no room for discussion. Yet several books written by accomplished academics/scientists raise serious questions about what we are being asked to accept as unequivocal fact.
S. Fred Singer’s “Hot Talk, Cold Science” points out that the geological record shows that history’s various eras of global warming were not preceded by rising levels of CO2 in the earth’s atmosphere Solar and oceanic activity, he says, clearly outweigh Man’s insignificant impact on weather. Moreover, he asserts, it is simply not true that there has been any significant, statistical increase in destructive weather events such as hurricanes or heat waves over the last 50 years. The consensus that this is a lie is a product of the Left’s relentless fanaticism, an orientation rooted in its antipathy for Capitalism, Industrialism and the Democratic West in general. Yes, better we should live like the dwellers of the world’s various rain forests rather than the citizens of the loathsome, patriarchal, computerized, air-conditioned, motorized West.
As to the “real costs” of the environmental policies pursued by Joe Biden and the simpletons behind him, Deneen and Tom Borelli recently posted a video concerning the power blackouts that occurred in Tennessee, North Carolina and Kentucky as a result of the onslaught of some extremely cold winter weather. What bothered the Borellis was that NERC [The North American Electric Reliability Corporation] had predicted such blackouts would occur as the inevitable result of America’s recent assault on both coal and nuclear based energy systems. Renewable power sources such as the Sun and Wind, the Borellis argued, are beyond human control and obviously not reliable. That Western Environmental zealots are willing to put people’s lives at risk on behalf of their highly questionable beliefs, they find utterly reprehensible. But then again, they’re rational “conservatives” concerned with Human Welfare and a Pragmatic approach to Environmental Issues rather than Religious Fanatics devoted to a conjecture that may or may not be true!