Criminal Media Bias

Candace Malcolm, founder of True North, posted a video on Jan. 31 on the smear campaign conducted by the mainstream media in its attempt to discredit the tens of thousands of Canadians who supported the Freedom Convoy. It was a campaign, she said, that focused on 4 particulars of the events in Ottawa that were borderline insignificant or, at the very worst, ambiguous in meaning, yet used by that media as validation of its moral outrage. This is what passes for “The News” here in Canada these days.

Two individuals among the thousands gathered in Ottawa were seen to be bearing Nazi symbols. The one with a Nazi flag also carried a sign saying “Fuck Trudeau.” Was he declaring his sympathy for Nazism or in fact denouncing government lockdowns as a form of Nazi tyranny? The same may be asked of the individual spotted with a Canadian flag that had a small swastika added to it. But there was no ambiguity to mainstream “news reports” that concluded each of these individuals were in fact Nazis as were many of those who had chosen to support the Convoy.

Candace Malcolm has offered a significant reward to anyone who might identify the individual bearing the Nazi flag who, by the way, disappeared after only a few minutes. She suspects he may have been a Leftist provocateur. If you are of the opinion that her suspicion is the absurd invention of a right-wing fanatic, you are terminally naive.

A second piece of minutia exploited by networks such as the CBC was the presence of an individual bearing a Confederate flag, clearly a symbol of white racism. But what the CBC hypocritically failed to report was that the individual was asked to leave by those around him who made it quite clear that he did not represent their perspective. So what was presented as an example of the racism of the Ottawa demonstrators, actually, if reported honestly, showed that they were anything but racists.

Google the incident involving the “desecration” of the statue of Terry Fox in Ottawa, and you will assailed by dozens of articles filled with moral outrage. Someone had dared drape his figure with a Canadian flag and a sign saying “Mandate Freedom.” Global News said the incident was “just sickening.” But the person responsible may have in fact seen Fox as a symbol of Canadian courage. He may in fact have been honoring him! While we have no way of knowing if this is true, the hyperbolic rants of those on the Left bordered on the insane. Those who had little to say when statues of Sir John A. McDonald and others were torn down, decapitated, spray painted and otherwise desecrated, launched themselves into paroxysms of indignation because someone had dared sling a Canadian flag over the statue of a Canadian icon. Do they have any idea of the extent of their Ideological Dementia?

The final incident used by the media to arbitrarily stereotype tens of thousands of Canadians involved a woman protesting atop The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. She was clearly there because it elevated her 3 or 4 steps above the surrounding crowd as she jubilantly shouted “Freedom.” Canadian general Wayne Eyre said he was “sickened to see protestors dance on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier,” as if they were partying there, as if there were dozens doing so. But the video I have seen included only 1 woman whose movements can hardly be described as dancing, who left the platform after only a few seconds and who, given the chaos of the moment and the frenzy of her demeanor, may not have even known of its significance!

Thank the Lord the Ottawa police have declared their intent to hunt down both the woman cited above as well as the monster who draped a Canadian flag over the statue of Terry Fox. I doubt I will be able to sleep until they are both in custody.

It must have appalled the media puppets of the Left that the protestors, in contrast to their own anarchist “social justice warriors,” had remained utterly peaceful. What other option did they have, therefore, but to grossly exaggerate the significance of four isolated incidents in their attempts to stigmatize a movement preeminently devoted to the restoration of our Democratic Freedoms? As Candace Malcolm points out, even that fundamental goal was misrepresented by many in the media who suggested the Convoy and its supporters consisted mostly of anti-vaccine fanatics who simply didn’t care about the health of others. The vast majority of those who braved sub-zero temperatures to celebrate Canada’s truckers, she insisted, had been vaccinated and were there primarily to regain the lives that had been taken from them over the last couple of years. Given the Left’s perverted definition of Democracy which prioritizes the authority of the State over the Rights of the Individual, their quest for Freedom is now apparently a form of Fascism!