On Mar. 2, True North reported that one Cyle Larsen, a repeat sex offender, had just been released back into Edmonton society. Found guilty of sexual interference with a six year old in 2008, he has been arrested multiple times since then for crimes of a similar nature. Each time he has been released on probation, the Edmonton police have warned he would offend again. The fact that they have been right on every occasion did not deter authorities in their recent decision, a decision accompanied by the very same chorus of warnings.
Mr. Larsen, whom I believe is 29, may be less a criminal than one direly in need of psychological help. But while I am not without sympathy for his plight, he must be kept in custody in one sort of institution or another until his rehabilitation is as assured as is humanly possible. Those “progressives” responsible for the policies which led to his release, as well as those responsible for that specific decision in spite of police warnings, need to ask themselves how they might have voted if they knew Mr. Larsen’s next victim was to be their own six year old daughter. This is no mere exercise in sophistry. “Progressives” live in a sentimental fantasy land utterly divorced from the reality and ramifications of human evil.
What better example of their gift for self-delusion and hypocrisy than the mayor of Chicago who sanctimoniously turned down Trump when he offered her help in defending the citizens of her city against the violence of B.L.M. but quickly surrounded her block with 150 cops when the violence began to get too close to home.
Is it amazing that the left squeals continually about sex crimes, yet they don’t want to deter those same crimes.
The frustrating part is that you can’t reason with them.