
Biden has already passed by executive order a number of “equity” measures designed to ensure not equality before the law but equality of outcome for various “marginalized” groups. Regarding the possibly devastating impact of Covid on small businesses across the country, he has affirmed he will give priority to those owned by Blacks, Latinos and Women.

So a young struggling White couple, in no way guilty of the vile treatment to which racial minorities were submitted in the past, may now possibly suffer the loss of everything they’ve worked for simply because of the color of their skin.

“Liberals” hate this reference but there is no arguing that Martin Luther King said he eagerly awaited the day when all Americans would be judged not by the color of their skin but by the quality of their character. To the new Left, race, gender, sexual orientation, etc. are all that count, character apparently being an obsolete “conservative” concern.

I have read that Biden’s “equity” laws will make it virtually impossible for a White employer to fire any member of a “marginalized” minority without being charged with one of the various “hate crimes” so beloved of the mindless Left. Terminate such an individual for laziness, incompetence, dishonesty, rudeness and/or perpetual tardiness, and you will no doubt make the news as a racist, misogynist, etc. Sounds like quite the recipe for social/economic progress!

What for me is the brazen injustice if not utter stupidity of Biden’s agenda has reached the level of a pandemic here in the Dystopian West. The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences has announced that as of 2024, films nominated as Best Picture must meet certain Identity based criteria pertaining to both their off and on-screen personnel. While I shan’t go into the details of those criteria, a film of amazing quality and imagination may in fact go unrecognized simply because it didn’t employ enough Blacks, Females or Gays!

Such “equity” agendas perfectly illustrate the moral/intellectual bankruptcy of the Left. As I have said elsewhere, I am, as are most “conservatives,” fully in favor of programs designed to help those who truly need it. At the same time there is no doubt that massive progress has been made in the West over the last half century in the realm of social justice for the “other,” that progress achieved mostly within the confines of the Law through civilized dialogue and the impact of education. But to legislate what a particular Ideological faction has decided to be statistically equitable human outcomes, given the complex nature of Life, given the disparate Biological and Cultural forces which, in tandem with the inscrutable permutations of the Human Spirit, must inevitably impact those outcomes, is arbitrarily authoritarian and ultimately anathema to the very notion of Human Freedom.

We have already alluded to Google’s failed attempt to entice more Women into its tech domain, an attempt which failed because, in spite of the strident claims of Feminists, Women are statistically prone to different priorities from Men. Clearly the only genuinely liberal response to such issues is to clear the way of unfair impediments to the freedom of those involved and let nature take its course. Government imposed quotas, on the other hand, would seem to entail a crass refusal to accept the irrefutable givens of Human Nature!

In Greek mythology Procrustes reputedly stretched or amputated the legs of his victims so as to fit them into a particular bed. The well-meaning Left, devoid of self-awareness, is inherently Procrustean, its collectivist “compassion” for the good of the Whole inevitably entailing the brutalization of the best amongst us, those Individuals and Groups whose achievements by their very nature subvert their simplistic statistical expectations.

It’s an observation certainly not original to me, but “liberals” are inherently Fascistic because their Egalitarian vision of the Species is so sentimental, so non-empirical, so devoid of rational integrity, that they are left with no other option than to impose it by Force [i.e., government legislation].