In a recent exchange with Biden’s nominee to Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona, Kentucky Republican Rand Paul asks him to comment on the fairness of allowing transgender Females [i.e., those actually born Male] to compete in athletic competitions with those who are genetically Female.
Cardona makes a lovely speech on the necessity of respecting the rights of Transgenders. But, Paul insists, the policies supported by your government make it virtually impossible for Females to prevail in competitions where size and strength would seem to be the determining factors.
Cardona repeats that we simply must be fair to Transgenders. When Paul proceeds to once again press the issue, Cardona avers that he feels he has already satisfactorily answered his questions.
But he did not! Indeed rather than confronting the Real World implications of his sentimental gibberish, he had done what all “progressives” inevitably do, engage in a sanctimonious paean to Inclusiveness while disingenuously avoiding the fact that those being included in the same category were radically different!
On the Left, Feelings preempt Facts; Objective Truth is always sacrificed on the altar of Personal Need. Should a 6′ 2″ individual with a penis declare he is a Female, we must apparently accept his assertion without reservation. But Reality isn’t that simple. While I would never hold a Transgender’s sexual orientation against him or her, such individuals are hardly entitled to wallow in the delusion that they are in no significant way different from those naturally born Male and Female. With Nathaniel Branden whose “The Psychology of Self-Esteem” is one of my most cherished books, I believe self-awareness to be essential to a healthy and indeed Moral mode of Being, self-delusion the doorway to Evil itself. But Self-Delusions are actually celebrated by the contemporary Left in the name of compassion, even when, in deference to that .001% of the population born Male that has now decided it is Female, it imperils the rights of an entire Gender.
Feminists, one would think, ought to be outraged by Cardona’s “woke” defense of Transgender “rights.” Ironically, however, they are utterly incapacitated by the superficiality of their Identity based perspective, a perspective which, as Marx prescribed, mindlessly defends all those who appear to be oppressed no matter their moral or intellectual status.
There is no better example of this absurdity than Feminism’s response to Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a courageous critic of Islam’s treatment of Women who is either ignored or attacked by many on the Left because supporting her must inevitably open them to the charge of Islamophobia. Even though it is demonstrably true that well over 300 million Muslims worldwide subscribe to some truly repulsive beliefs about gays, apostates and the entire female sex, we must apparently defer critical comments of any sort because they might hurt some feelings. Absolutely absurd yet the sort of nonsense that has increasingly come to dominate our world.
Research the exchange between Cardona and Rand Paul on Google and you will be confronted with the opinion of dozens convinced that the latter is a trans-phobic monster. But what is his actual crime? It is, in effect, that he insists Transgenders admit the actualities of their condition, that a 200 pound person with a penis who has decided he is a Woman not try and use his/her status as a “victim” to take advantage of those demonstrably distinct individuals born biologically Female.
His crime is that of all those eminently rational “conservatives” whom I so admire, the crime of putting Reality before the needs and/or feelings of those pathetically unable or unwilling to accept Reality!