Yesterday, Dec. 24, David Menzies of The Rebel News Network posted a video of his attendance at the press conference held by Toronto police in the aftermath of last Friday’s attack on a local Jewish girl’s school, Bais Chaya Mushka. While the school was sprayed with bullets, the attack occurred at 2:30 A.M. and no one was injured. Of great concern, however, is that this was the third assault on the school in the last 14 months. A teacher/rabbi whom Menzies interviewed refused to get political as he was clearly being urged to do, while nevertheless admitting that the parents of the school’s students were terrified at what might befall their beloved children in the future.
Rebel reporters, by the way, have been banned from various press conferences on the grounds that they are right-wing ideologues rather than journalists. But while Menzies was not actually allowed to attend the conference, he did manage to interview a number of people as they entered or left the building in which it was held. One such was Ya’ara Saks, member of Parliament for Toronto’s York region who, while Jewish, has been relatively quiet about the pro-Hamas demonstrations afflicting Toronto’s streets for several months now. As Saks rushed to her car, clearly unwilling to answer any of Menzies’ questions, he badgered her relentlessly. I must admit I found his behaviour obnoxious. But at the same time the point he was trying to make was perfectly legitimate. While Saks had expressed outrage at the recent attack, she had said very little over the last year about the vile Anti Semitism on parade in Toronto’s streets. Perhaps as a Jewess she felt any negative comments would be simply dismissed as racially motivated. But Menzies’ concern, as is mine, was that she was fuelled by her typically Leftist, typically simplistic vision of history which, in the present conflict in the Middle East, demands empathy for the deaths of innocent Palestinians be the only issue of any consequence.
Yes, innocent Palestinians have died as a result of Israel’s relentless attacks over the last year. But they have died because the truly disgusting, truly degenerate animals known as Hamas, have intentionally hid amongst them as a defence tactic. While Netanyahu’s military stratagems have eliminated several Hamas leaders, which is precisely his objective, he has ludicrously been threatened with arrest by various “liberal” nations should he cross their borders. It’s a complex issue and no doubt many of those marching through the streets of Toronto are simply expressing their empathy for those who have been killed. But at the same time, as The Rebel has pointed out, the demonstrations have included chants for the obliteration of Israel, calls for death to all Jews, and a morally repugnant defence of Hamas. How, any rational human being must ask, did a civilization which prides itself on its “progressiveness,” reach the ludicrous point where it is willing to tolerate brazen Anti-Semitism in its streets while stupidly condemning as racist those who feel it is necessary for Western Democracies to maintain the integrity of their borders? The answer, of course, is the superficial, Neo-Marxist narrative of the Left which demands we always defend those deemed to be members of a “victimized minority,” no matter the ignorance or arrogance of their views.
Too complex an issue to cover here, the Jews, while they have been persecuted throughout history, are now very much a part of the Establishment in most Western nations. They are an incredibly accomplished people. Check out the credits in your favourite T.V. shows and movies and you will see what I mean. Three of the most influential Western intellectuals over the last century and a half are Marx, Freud and Einstein. This is not to say there are not still anti-Semitic jerks among us. But is it not ironic that the Envy that seems to have motivated the historical persecution of this people, is not all that different from the sentiment promoted by the Leftist narrative, a narrative which implies that all those who are not happy with their plight, are victims of the accomplished, of the wealthy, of the successful! Not surprisingly, Israel, while bereft of the natural resources enjoyed by many of its Arab neighbours, is the most peaceful, thriving nation in its part of the world. Hence its candidacy as an “oppressor” to those of a Leftist mindset. Hence the ludicrous reluctance of “liberals,” their media sycophants, and indeed the police, to clamp down on the anti-Semitic hatred presently contaminating Canada’s streets.
And oh, by the way, the demonizing of The Rebel as an agent of “far-right” propaganda, is clearly rooted in the Left’s concerted refusal to admit that the mainstream media is itself little more than a perpetrator of its propaganda!