Jan. 6 Hyperbole: Lies, Lies, and more Lies!

I have read or viewed literally hundreds of references to the “deadly” events of Jan. 6., the implication of each being that the “insurrectionists” were a murderous bunch willing to kill anyone who got in their way. In March of 2021, 2 people were charged with the murder of officer Brian Sicknick but subsequent investigation revealed that his death on Jan. 7 was actually the result of natural causes [i.e., a stroke]. Roseanne Boyland, it was initially reported, was trampled to death by the unruly mob, but video evidence shows both that her collapse was the result of the violence of the Capitol police and her death of their refusal, when implored by members of that “mob” who sought to help her, to stop inciting the stampede that would ultimately kill her. The only death on Jan. 6 that seems even remotely worthy of the charge of murder was that of Ashli Babbitt, an unarmed Trump supporter shot as she sought to enter the Capitol by a Black officer who has, predictably, been charged with absolutely nothing.

I am not exonerating Babbitt of the foolishness of her attempt to breach the Capitol, but apparently when a White cop kills a career criminal such as George Floyd, that is unequivocal evidence of racism, but when a Black cop kills an unarmed White woman with no criminal record whatsoever, he’s simply doing his duty as a defender of the Law.

In his comments on Jan. 6, Biden mocked the so-called patriotism of those who promote and embrace outright lies, clearly referring to Donald Trump and the hundreds of thousands who marched on his behalf. Those who breached the Capitol, he said, had held a dagger to the throat of America’s Democracy. But the day’s events show that the “insurrectionists” were a disorganized bunch with absolutely no intention of killing anyone, destroying government buildings or toppling the Biden regime. Indeed when Richard Barnett put his feet up on Pelosi’s desk, he was no doubt expressing the disdain motivating most who came to Washington that day for both the Socialist ideals that have come to dominate the Democratic Party and the duplicitous mainstream media that celebrates those ideals while pretending to report “just the news.” Certainly there are liars across the political spectrum, but Biden’s insinuation that they are mostly denizens of the Right is itself a brazen lie. This is the genius, after all, who told the American people that Antifa, in spite of the violence for which it was responsinle on a daily basis throughout the summer of 2020, was really just an idea!

Trump supporter Rick Saccone came to Washington on a Pennsylvania bus occupied mostly by elderly White people who considered themselves patriots and harbored no violent intentions whatsoever. Yet the mainstream media has characterized the hundreds of thousands of participant in the day’s events as vicious revolutionaries. John Lang, one of the “insurgents” who tried to help the fallen Roseanne Boyland, was arrested on Jan. 13 by approximately 15 federal agents who broke into his home in Orange County, N.Y.. Much to his parents’ distress, he was held in solitary confinement for over 200 days in which he was deprived of even the most basic of civilized amenities, forced to strain the filthy water made available to him through his socks in the hopes of rendering it safe to drink! For his crime of trespassing he has been offered a “deal” that includes 10 years in prison! Pardon me, but is such treatment worthy of a nation supposedly devoted to the dispassionate application of the Law, or in fact more reminiscent of Nazi Germany?

The same DOJ obsessed with arresting anyone who came close to the Capitol on Jan. 6, appears decidedly casual in prosecuting those B.L.M. and Antifa rioters responsible for thousands of injuries to cops, the breaching of dozens of government buildings and indeed multiple deaths throughout 2020. In a recent speech, Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene pointed out that of the approximately 16,000 “social justice warriors” arrested as a result of their rioting, 90% of them have had their cases dropped, while only 1 of the 700 or so “insurrectionists” arrested has been granted the same exoneration. Typical of the bias that has come to infect our culture, Wikipedia, which purports to be an objective reporter of the facts, characterizes Greene as “a far right conspiracy theorist.”

While rarely presenting factual evidence to support their claims, those on the Left invariably denounce anyone questioning the integrity of their narrative and behavior as mere “conspiracy theorists.” Representative Greene wonders aloud why John Sullivan, a staunch supporter of B.L.M. and Antifa, should show up on Jan. 6 inciting those whom he apparently loathes to invade the Capitol. She also asks why Ray Epps, who can be seen in videos on both the 5th and 6th encouraging violence, has not been arrested by a D.O.J. apparently intent on arresting even the most innocuous of offenders. Her theory, of course, is that each of these individuals was working on behalf of the Left to validate its assertion that all Trump supporters are violent yahoos, their failure to be indicted suggesting that both the FBI and D.O.J. are corrupt, not unbiased defenders of the Rule of Law but agents of a particular political point of view. The multitude of questionable decisions which led to the accusation that Trump had colluded with Russia in his attempt to win the 2016 election would seem to support this hypothesis. That the so-called Steele dossier used to indict him was known to be a pack of lies from the very start, yet exploited relentlessly in what Greene suggests was an attempt to distract attention from Hillary’s Email scandal, is truly disturbing. Whereas the D.O.J. and F.B.I. are presently engaged in what Merrick Garland has described as the most important and extensive investigation in U.S. history [i.e., the events of Jan 6], it is those institutions, Rep. Greene asserts, that ought to be subjected to a thorough inquisition.

I am hardly in a position to pontificate on the integrity of any of the individuals or institutions mentioned above. But there is a tremendous amount of evidence suggesting that the Democrats, motivated by both their own religious fanaticism and a truly demented loathing for Trump, are willing to resort to pretty much any absurdity in the pursuit of their sacred agenda. Hence their ridiculous claim that demanding valid I.D. from a voter is really but a veiled form of racism; or Kamala’s idiotic assertion that Jan. 6 was no less catastrophic than the assaults on Pearl Harbor and the Twin Towers; or A.O.C.’s demented suggestion that Republicans who criticize her really want to date her!

This is a complex topic that cannot be exhausted in a format such as this. But the compulsion of the contemporary Left to brazenly ignore common sense, the Rule of Law and the facts of both History and Biology, would seem to be self-evident. And the slur of “conspiracy theorist” which its adherents inevitably fling at all who oppose them is but another example of its insistence, no doubt born of necessity, on replacing rational, civilized discourse with mere childish name-calling. What other option do you have when Reason is not on your side?