A few nights ago Jimmy Kimmel launched into a smug and utterly humorless diatribe against the children of Donald Trump for daring to give credence to the “made-up Hillary Clinton spying case” being prepared by special counsel John Durham.
Evidence has been mounting ever since 2016 that Hillary, with the knowledge of Barack Obama, engaged in a campaign of dubious ethical integrity to incite the FBI to investigate Trump’s supposed collusion with Russia in his attempt to win the presidency. The details of the case are complex. Lies abound. The CIA maintains it informed the FBI in 2016 that the so-called “Steele dossier” upon which Hillary’s charges were based was clearly fraudulent. British agent Christopher Steele apparently loathed Trump and made no secret of his desire to destroy his candidacy. Yet Pete Strzok, the FBI agent given this information, subsequently denied any knowledge of it whatsoever! In the same way lawyer Michael Sussmann, claiming to have no political affiliation, approached the FBI in 2016 with evidence of Trump’s “collusion” while in fact working for Hillary Clinton! He has since been charged with lying to Congress. But Hillary claims to know nothing of such shenanigans, Sussmann apparently having acted entirely on his own. Really!
Durham has compiled evidence that Sussmann arranged to have Trump’s internet communications from his private residences in Trump Tower and Central Park West “hacked” before his election. But what is truly astounding is that Donald Trump continued, apparently, to be secretly monitored even after he became President.
The previously conducted Mueller Report concluded that while Russia may have conspired to push Trump to victory, there was little evidence of his “collusion.” But the Durham investigation has in its possession E-mails which clearly support its contention that Hillary’s campaign engaged in activities no less nefarious than Nixon’s Watergate fiasco. Is this a gross exaggeration? Is this but another conspiracy theory? I don’t know. But Jimmy Kimmel’s dismissal of all those skeptical of Hillary’s saintly status as Fox News idiots with “soft oatmeal-like brains” is ignorant and insulting yet, sadly, typical of the mindless arrogance of the contemporary Left.
Hence the abomination of a Canadian Prime Minister denouncing as Nazis, racists, sexists, etc., those hundreds of thousands of smiling, flag waving Canadians standing roadside in sub zero temperatures cheering on the Freedom Convoy as it made its way towards Ottawa.
If you agree with the sort of gross generalizations spewed by the likes of Kimmel and Trudeau, you are a member of that demographic I long ago decided was “TS Triple T”….. i.e., Too Stupid To Talk To!