In our contemporary Western world where tens of millions have apparently flown over the Cuckoo’s Nest, White criticism, however Rational, of any aspect of Black culture or behavior, is deemed inherently racist because Reason itself [2+2=4] is no more than a tool of White supremacy. Of course exasperation with this nonsense is itself deemed racist. Fortunately there is a host of Black American politicians and commentators representing millions of responsible, intelligent Black people who do not buy the duplicitous drivel spewed forth by the likes of Ibram Kendi. Indeed Black “conservative” Joel Patrick, in response to Kendi’s mockery of Amy Coney Barrett, refers to him as “a special kind of stupid,” his so-called anti-racism itself being aggressively Racist!
I have already made reference to Candace Owens, Thomas Sowell and Larry Elder, each of whom identifies various aspects of the culture and behavior of Black urban Americans rather than “systemic” White racism as the cause of their oftentimes deplorable plight. So many others are of the same opinion, a fact rarely mentioned in the mainstream media.
In a Facebook post of Oct. 2, the aforementioned Joel Patrick, wearing a tee shirt that says “I am not oppressed,” declares: “BLM activists often berate me for not standing for my people. Well……my people are the American people……who love life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, regardless of the color of their skin.” Kendi puts Race before Principles, as do Joe Biden and Michelle Obama, each of whom told their colored supporters that if they vote Republican they can’t be really Black. Patrick puts Principles before Race. Big difference!
Black pastor James Davis Manning of the Atlah World Missionary Church says 95% of Black men have huge chips on their shoulders. This is, I would think, a gross exaggeration though perhaps true of that element constituting America’s inner city gangs, the very element most often involved in violent confrontations with the police.
Another Black Pastor, Darrell C. Scott, a member of Trump’s team, says de-funding the police is absolutely stupid!
Vernon James, lifelong Democrat from Georgia, has gone over to the Republicans, stating at their recent convention that Democrats, with their narrative of victimization, are clearly intent on keeping Blacks on “the mental plantation they’ve had us on for decades.”
In 2014 Jason Riley of The Wall Street Journal wrote a book entitled “Please Stop Helping Us: How Liberals Make it Harder for Blacks to Succeed.”
Singer Joy Villa, one quarter Black, one quarter Choctaw, has written a book entitled “Kickass Conservative!: How I Escaped Liberal Feminism to Become a Freedom-Loving Trumplican.” Refusing to be a Victim, unimpressed with the myth of Systemic Racism, denounced by the Left as an Uncle Tom, she says she has been more or less Blacklisted by a Hollywood community which claims to be oh-so-sensitive to the plight of people of color.
Brandon Tatum, retired Black police officer, sees issues of police violence through the lens of Reason rather than Race. While condemning the actions of the cop who killed George Floyd, he says Jacob Blake’s shooting was perfectly understandable given his criminal past, his possession of a weapon and his violent resistance to arrest. In the same way he blames Breonna Taylor’s death on the person sitting next to her who opened fire on the police, their response being a perfectly rational reaction. Clearly for Tatum the moment to moment decisions of White cops fearing for their lives cannot be explained by the simplistic narrative of Racism.
[Tatum recently published a chart identifying those responsible for the murder of Blacks in 2019. Point 5 % of such violent deaths were perpetrated by cops, 8.7% by Whites and 90.8% by other Blacks.]
Jacob Blake’s mother, by the way, was appalled that BLM and ANTIFA used her son’s death to justify their reign of terror.
Black “conservative” blogger David J. Harris says there is no actual evidence that Trump is a racist, that most people of color are appalled by the deaths caused as a result of the activities of BLM and Antifa and that Trump’s numbers among Black voters, over 90% of whom usually vote Democrat, increased dramatically after the Republican National Convention, suggesting that more of them will likely vote Republican in this presidential election than in any other.
Leo Terrell, Civil Rights lawyer and another lifelong Democrat, has said he too will be voting Trump in November. Citing the fact that unemployment among Blacks was significantly down in the first three years of Trump’s administration and that the president had made a concerted effort to increase funding to Black Colleges, Terrell has declared Biden’s selection of Kamala Harris to be an unmitigated “disaster” and suggested that BLM only pretends to be interested in saving Black Lives, its refusal to confront the epidemic of Black on Black crime being an absolute disgrace. Systemic White Racism he dismisses as a brazen lie, pointing out that people of color, quite aside from Barack Obama, are winning more and more House seats and statewide offices than ever before. Have you not noticed, he asks incredulously, the number of Black Mayors and Police Chiefs who have been center stage due to the urban violence of the last several months? Who voted for these people?