I have just viewed an image of a statue of Queen Victoria in Leeds, England, which had been defaced by members of BLM who had smeared the word “murderer” across the base of the monument.
Did you know, my friends, that as early as 1772 an English court, while slavery was still considered business as usual throughout most of Africa, ruled in a suit by a Black man named Somerset against his “owner,” one Captain Knowles, in favor of the former, declaring Slavery to be incompatible with the basic tenets of Christianity?
In 1807 the Brits under Wilberforce banned the slave trade if not Slavery itself within the British Empire. In 1833 with the Slavery Abolition Act, that same Prime Minister, again with the support of Christians within the Commons, abolished it outright. For most of the balance of the Century, including of course the 50 year reign of Victoria, a special division of the British Navy named The West African Squadron circled the African continent, intercepting approximately 1600 slave ships and freeing approximately 150,000 slaves, slaves who were being sold into servitude predominantly by people of their own color.
While I have been aware of these facts for some time, what I only discovered recently was that the British actually borrowed twenty million pounds to purchase the freedom of every slave held within the British Empire. That sum equates to a hundred billion pounds today, a loan which Britain apparently only succeeded in paying off five years ago!!! Amazing!
Yet Marcuse says Western Civilization is the most pernicious force in all of history. And the zombies of BLM who have been fed his propaganda by our “intellectuals” for over fifty years now, while at the same time being instigated by a consensus media that is equally ignorant, are not apparently able to pick up a book and pursue the Truth for themselves. Of course in doing so, they might have to abandon the simplistic myth of White Supremacism, indeed might have to reconsider the multitude of assumptions underlying their Leftist delusions.