Jordan Peterson recently posted on his Twitter account a chart showing the results of a survey conducted before the 2020 election by American National Elections Studies. Carried out by the U. of Michigan and Stanford U., the question addressed to the public was: How much do you feel it is justified for people to use violence to pursue their political goals in this country?
Those questioned identified as very conservative and very liberal to somewhat and significantly less so. The various answers supplied pertaining to the use of violence ranged from “Not at all” to “A great deal.”
Among very conservative Whites, 95.8% said violence was never an option. Among very liberal Whites, only 66.5% agreed with that principle. Fully one third of American liberals think that if they don’t get what they want, violence is perfectly justified! That percentage was even higher among Black and Hispanic liberals.
These are the FACTS! And yet according to the “fact checkers” at Google, Twitter, CNN, CNBC, etc., etc., etc., it is rational conservatives such as Candace Owens, Dan Bongino, Tucker Carlson, Dinesh D’Souza, Thomas Sowell, etc., etc., etc., who pose the main threat to American Democracy!
As Ben Shapiro pointed out recently in response to a Don Lemon rant on the horrors of Jan. 6, White Supremacists [who killed no one on that day] have no voice in the media whatsoever, whereas Woke Supremacy is a cancer [my word, not Ben’s] that is EVERYWHERE!