The Rob Squad

In 2022, a young Black couple living in Oklahoma launched a You Tube program showing them reacting to a variety of music which they were more or less hearing for the first time. They have since garnered hundred of thousands of viewers worldwide. Jordan Robinson, husband to the lovely Amber, says he was raised primarily on Rap, yet the music featured on their videos runs the gamut from classic rock to country to opera to the symphonic masterpieces of Western Europe. And the truly wonderful aspect of their podcast is that race plays no role whatsoever in their reactions to the music.

I first fell for the Robinsons as a result of their gleeful reaction to the Seekers and more specifically the wonderful voice of Judith Durham who has, of course, just recently left us. The notions of White Privilege and Supremacy appeared to be utterly irrelevant to the joy they derived not only from listening to that Australian group, but to a myriad of other White performers. They are, that is to say, first and foremost sensitive, intelligent Human Beings inclined to seeing the world as such, rather than merely Victims whose every experience is defined by the Color of their Skin.