I have already mentioned that 1600 put their names to Energy Advocate’s rejection of the 1997 Kyoto Accord which was ultimately rejected by the U.S. Senate. While some of the signators were exposed as frauds, the vast majority of them were perfectly qualified to comment on the climate issues involved.
In 2007, in response to the U.N. Climate Conference held in Bali, Indonesia, over 100 scientists expressed skepticism regarding both the anthropogenic narrative espoused by the conference and the “solutions” it prescribed to deal with the supposedly impending man-made disaster. Many of these skeptics were or had been members of the U.N.’s revered I.P.C.C. [Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change], yet their skepticism, as is typical of the tyrannical Left, was treated with absolute disdain.
Revered professor of Advanced Physics Antonio Zichichi has been expressing his doubts about the anthropogenic narrative for some time now, stating: “It is not possible to exclude the idea that climate changes can be due to natural causes.” This seems to me to be an eminently rational opinion. His detractors, of course, derisively point out that he is a physicist and not a climate expert, their absurd implication being that he is too stupid to comment on climate issues. In 2012 he was one of 16 scientists to put his name to a Wall Street Journal Op-Ed piece entitled: “No need to panic about global warming.” More recently, he was one of 48 scientists to publicly endorse the seemingly rational view that the anthropogenic narrative is fraught with uncertainties.
Retired professor and Norwegian-American Nobel winning Physicist Ivar Giaever recently put his name to a World Climate Declaration signed by over 1100 scientists of the opinion that the climate alarm relentlessly incited by the Left is utterly unwarranted. Chris Morrison, the writer of The Daily Sceptic article from which I got that information, also pointed out that longtime green activist Michael Shellenberger had in 2020 written a book entitled “Apocalypse Never,” his skepticism regarding the anthropogenic narrative clearly implied by his title. Discourse on the subject, he maintained, has “spiraled out of control.” No doubt Steven Koonin, the Obama administration’s Under-Secretary of Science, would agree, his 2021 book “Unsettled” also claiming the sanctimonious certainty of environmental radicals to be a species of fanaticism utterly unwarranted by the Facts!
Yet a Cornell U. study recently averred that 99.9% of scientists agree that Man is primarily responsible for the warming trend in his climate. That such fluctuations have occurred throughout all of history is apparently irrelevant. That more than .01% of the scientific community clearly disagrees, also irrelevant! Anyone of conscience must seriously ask if discourse on this issue is governed by a genuine thirst for the Truth or a mindless submission to the dominant Ideological bias of our day! I don’t pretend to have the answer to the anthropogenic hypothesis, but simply wish that those who hate Capitalism, Industrialization and indeed every aspect of our Western “Patriarchies,” would transcend their biases and assess Reality with some degree of integrity.