The block on which George Floyd was killed was turned into a memorial zone which B.L.M., with apparently no interference from authorities, closed off to the general public and more specifically to the intrusion of the police. As 2020 wore on, carjackings and other forms of criminal behavior increased dramatically within the area, some of its residents supporting and others vocally blaming B.L.M. I have just viewed a recent video of a reporter critical of the situation standing beyond the barriers of the restricted zone, who was nevertheless assailed by a delightful duo dressed in Black and told to get the f… out of there. Their actual words were: “You’re gonna be in a bad situation in a second.” Mobs of a certain perspective are now allowed free rein in America’s streets, the police reluctant to get too aggressive for fear of being labelled racists by Don Lemon!
Keith Ellison, the Attorney General of Minnesota, is radical Left, actually having expressed sympathy for Antifa in the past. Dave Rubin suspects he has included the charge of Third Degree Murder against Derek Chauvin knowing very well that it will not stick and therefore might incite further chaos [“social justice” demonstrations] in the streets of America. An Attorney General with no respect for the Law! Truly Surreal!
While consciously under-reported by the mainstream news, violent protests in Portland, Oregon, have continued on and off since the day of George Floyd’s death. This past Thursday the protective fence surrounding the Federal Courthouse was dismantled and, right on cue, B.L.M. showed up that night breaking windows, starting fires and covering the building with graffiti. Among the messages contained in the latter: A.C.A.B. [All cops are Bastards]; Fascists live here; New President, Same Imperialism; and of course Black Lives Matter.
A Wells Fargo Bank [those f…ing Capitalists] having recently been invaded, the Portland police are expecting more unrest this weekend around the issue of immigration, the oft repeated chant of “No borders! No nations! Abolish deportation!” pretty much expressing the B.L.M. approach to that issue. While they are entitled to what I consider their completely idiotic political views, they are not entitled to impose them on others through violence. Yet this band of dissidents which has apparently become a normalized feature of Portland life has made it quite clear that any attempt to mess with them will be met with dire repercussions.
Not much difference, I would say, between the lawlessness evident in any number of American cities and what we have come to expect in various Third World countries. And all in the name of “progressivism!” Brilliant!