Transgender Fascism

Candace Malcolm’s True North recently published an article on the efforts of transgender activists in Ontario to have their agenda installed as a regular feature of the province’s educational curricula.

At a recent Toronto District School Board meeting, advocates told officials that students should be allowed to use whichever washroom best suited their gender identity and that “regardless of the age of the student,” their parents should not be informed of their situation without their consent.

Meanwhile, in nearby Halton County, a school board decided a few months ago that students should be allowed to use whichever change room they found “most gender affirming,” stipulating that if females were distressed by having to undress in front of individuals with penises, they should find somewhere else to change.

True North said it was alerted to these developments by concerned teachers who, for obvious reasons, wished to remain anonymous.

There are no precedents pertaining to the definition of Transgender Rights. One would assume that when a male’s transition is absolutely complete, both hormonally and surgically [ i.e., he has been both castrated and undergone vaginoplasty], he ought to have the “right” to share a washroom with females. But what of those who are in transition? Lia Thomas still has a functioning penis and admits he dates women! What on earth is he doing on Penn State’s female swim squad sharing a dressing room with a group of girls reportedly made very uncomfortable by his presence, while at the same time dominating his female competition when he couldn’t win a race competing against men? Who’s “rights” are being violated here?

The simple, objective, scientific truth is that Transgenders, however strident their advocates, are in a category all of their own. They are neither fully Female or fully Male. This is not spoken out of malice. It is a Biological Fact! But as I have said repeatedly, the absurdity of the Left is that it refuses to acknowledge the Facts of human diversity of any kind in support of its Egalitarian Dementia.

Our empathy for transgenders must be qualified by a pragmatic consideration of the realities of their condition. It is absolutely absurd that Lia Thomas has been allowed to dominate the women in his/her sport given the obvious, biologically endowed benefits of his male genetic makeup. He is not just another woman! At the same time it is atrocious that sexual assaults on females in spaces that used to be restricted to them alone, including even prison cells, have been on the increase over the last few years as individuals sporting male genitalia have been allowed to share those spaces. Transgender advocates, in typical woke fashion, claim this is just another hateful, right-wing conspiracy theory. Apparently they know nothing of human nature. Apparently they know nothing of the power of the male libido, especially within pubescent high school boys for whom the thought of gaining entry to a girls’ washroom must be truly enchanting. So while both the reported facts and even a passing familiarity with human nature would suggest the Trans Political Agenda to be fraught with peril for others, its advocates do what all those lacking sound rational arguments do and simply yell “Lies, lies, lies! “

Transgender rights pose a complex set of problems. The record shows that some teens induced to transition have later decided they had made a horrible mistake, blaming the prodding of advocates apparently more concerned with their agenda than the welfare of kids considered too immature to either drink or drive. At what age do the young become wise enough to make such decisions? Is convincing a confused fourteen year old girl she may be a guy without contacting her parents not an act of appalling arrogance, a violation of both her rights and those of her mother and father?

I don’t pretend to have all the answers to these questions. Pragmatic solutions such as the growing number of “gender neutral” washrooms in Ontario’s schools are clearly in order, sparing innocent, young, heterosexual girls the stress of wondering just what is on the mind of the biological males invading their privacy. But as with every other “woke” mob on the Left, the Transgender crowd is not really interested in the Rights of Others, indeed is consumed by the same self-centered, self-pitying, pathological immaturity evident in the devotees of Critical Race Theory, B.L.M., Antifa, etc., etc..

Terrified of being labeled Transphobic, the simpletons of the mainstream media sit in relative silence as trans-activists pursue an agenda which literally could preclude the approximately four billion females on the planet from ever winning another athletic competition based on strength or speed, this out of sympathy for the “rights” of a minute percent of the species whose genetic makeup is demonstrably, objectively, scientifically, a deviation from the Human Norm.

This statement, of course, marks me as just another heartless “conservative.” But as a “conservative” I try to make my heart and brain work in tandem, a coalition no longer apparently very popular here in the “progressive” West.