The Toronto District School Board is now, according to many of its employees, engulfed in a reign of terror initiated by its Black activist education minister, Colleen Russell-Rawlins, who took over that role in 2021. Formerly of the Peel District School Board where her anti-White, pro Black Lives Matter bias produced a distinctly toxic work climate, she has apparently left the principals of her current regime utterly unwilling to express any opinion of dissent for fear of being fired! As I have said elsewhere, I have teacher friends working for various boards who dare not speak their minds on the irrationality of the mainstream Left’s approach to issues such as Canada’s Residential Schools, radical LGBTQ ideology or indeed the palpable racism behind the simplistic views of those such as Russell-Rawlins. What is appalling if not depressing, of course, is that the simpletons responsible for this authoritarian climate of intolerance see themselves as “progressive” and “liberal!”