You have no doubt heard of the controversy caused by Whoopi Goldberg’s assertion that the Holocaust was not about Racism. Clearly trying to save her career, she explained to Stephen Colbert on his Monday show that “as a black person I think of race as something that I can see.” For Whoopi, in other words, inasmuch as Germans and Jews both have white skin, there can be no “racial” issues between them. While she certainly denounced the Holocaust as an example of man’s inhumanity to man, her comments suggest the sort of narrow-minded, self-centered mentality of the contemporary “woke.” For Whoopi, apparently, only Black people are ever the victims of Racism.
While a few talk shows seem to have self-consciously decided not to get into politics, the vast majority of them, fully convinced of the unassailable truth of the Leftist narrative, invite their celebrity guests to flog that narrative at every possible opportunity. Stephen Colbert being particularly guilty of such assaults on his viewing public, it is hardly surprising he invited Whoopi to his show to rationalize her eminently stupid point of view.
But, with Ricky Gervais, I am aggressively uninterested in the opinions of Hollywood simpletons whose public prominence has nothing to do with their political acumen. Actually, I’m amazed that Whoopi is anywhere to be found on T.V. given that her only major screen success was a movie made over 35 years ago [The Color Purple]. Could it be that her position on The View is a matter of “privilege,” a perk not earned but granted because she is a Black female in a world where mainstream media giants are frantic to display their compassion for “oppressed” groups such as Black females? Could it be that Whoopi herself is evidence of the stupidity of the simplistic notion of Systemic White Racism?
Frankly, I don’t care what Whoopi or any of her peers think. But Biden has proudly declared that his nominee to the recently vacated seat on America’s Supreme Court will be a Black female. He is clearly suggesting that it is Identity rather than Merit, intellectual or otherwise, that will govern his choice. What better explains the lowly level of public discourse in our “progressive” culture than the assertion by the president of the United States that the color of one’s skin and the shape of one’s genitals are more important than one’s status as a moral/intellectual being?