Sarah Silverman has always seemed to me to be just another “woke” Hollywood “progressive.” But in a recent video she disavows any party affiliation, aligning herself with other former “liberals” such as Dave Rubin who abandoned the Left because he found it intellectually null.
Most significant among Sarah’s statements are the following: Without ideas, what are we?…..We no longer are able to be a nation of ideas…..Without a common truth, how can we talk about it?
While Sarah has certainly not come out as a “conservative,” she has clearly come to identify the mindlessness at the “heart” of “progressivism.” Her courage and honesty are to be admired. As a “conservative” myself, I certainly don’t insist everyone agree with my every thought. But I do insist that Thought rather than Sentiment be the arbiter of political discourse. It is the principle Sarah would seem to be endorsing in her video! It is the principle every Western Democracy needs to embrace in preserving the safeguards of a Civil Society given to what used to be considered the inalienable Rights and Freedoms of the Individual!