Your Kids belong to the State???

As reported by the Blaze a few days ago, on Sept. 29 House Democrats voted unanimously to reject an amendment to their Mental Health Matters Act which would have demanded that elementary and high schools inform parents before submitting their children to mental health services including those pertaining to gender identity. The motion, put forth by Michigan Republican Lisla McClain, clearly assumed it was outrageous that a child’s gender should be reconfigured without the knowledge or consent of its parents.

One of the recurrent themes of this blog has been the brazen fascism of the contemporary Left, the arrogant assumption of “liberal” governments that they have the right to impose their views on all their citizens, any resistance to those views deemed not just a matter of opinion but a criminal abomination. This, of course, entails a fundamental disdain for the principles of Freedom of Speech and Conscience, a fundamental disdain for Democracy itself. While I am in no way endorsing tolerance of Hate Speech, any rational man would argue there is a definable difference between ignorant expressions of Hatred and opinions which simply do not conform to the sometimes idiotic views of those obsessed with Inclusiveness.

One of those views is the contention of the LGBTQ community that Gender is utterly fluid, that Heterosexuality is in no way Nature’s Norm, that the very concept of a Biological Norm is somehow hateful. Both the need to perpetuate the species and every cell in my unequivocally Heterosexual body tell me this is a highly questionable hypothesis if not a brazen lie. Ought those given to this political construct to be entitled by governments to counsel children without consulting their parents in decisions that will alter the very course of their lives? Is it not likely that one convinced of the fluidity of Gender might be unreasonably eager to convince a 10 year old girl who is a tomboy that she actually is a boy? And if parental rights can be abrogated in the name of Political Correctness, has not the Democratic Principle of the Rights of the Individual been abandoned?

The rejection of Lisla McClain’s amendment was clearly based upon the assumption that there are homophobic parents out there who would do anything to prevent their kids from coming out as Gay or, god forbid, Trans. This is no doubt true. But the Utopian urge to legislate human behavior inevitably entails stomping on the rights of millions of decent people in an effort to thwart the very worst amongst us. To the myriad of loving parents who want nothing but the very best for their kids, Biden’s House Democrats have essentially said: “Sorry, but what we teach your children in school is none of your business.”

News Flash: The species is not perfectible and efforts to make it so are both naive and inherently fascistic.The Rule of Law, based on rationally defined, Objective criteria rather than political opinion, was traditional Liberalism’s answer to those of a criminal bent. As for the ignorance and petty biases that plague a significant portion of any population, its response was free and open debate, education and an enlightened media. You may have noted the irony that what used to be known as Liberalism is now more or less in line with mainstream Conservatism, while those who call themselves Liberals are obsessed not only with stifling free and open debate, but with hijacking educational institutions in the name of political correctness, going so far as to violate the sacred bond between parents and their offspring on behalf of the brazenly political agenda of the LGBTQ community!